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Root Trimming Mothers in Bubblers

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i dont think many peopple could give u advice on root trimming cause i dont think many would have dont it, maybe u should do a lil experiment if u want to start root trimming like measure the roots then take off 5cm from the bottum or something, maybe its like topping a plant more heads/roots will pop out haha. id say it probly could be done to a degree cause ive ripped off browny lookin roots in my dwc on a bagseed plant and it didnt die its still kicking,
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There used to be a very good article on this subject online, but I havent seen it in a couple years now. The guy that wrote it kept 30 mothers under 3 or 4 x 4 foot fluoros. Ideal for people that want to keep a large varriety of differnet types of smoke. He got great results.


Esentially it was just standard proceedure for bonsai trimming, so maybe just look into that subject in general. I think in principle when you trim the roots, you take an equal amount from the top. But the guy that I read on this subject had it down pat. Adult plants a couple years old living healthy in 4 inch pots, giving heaps of cuttings each week. I do remember that it's fairly labour intensive. Like you have to take the cuttings each week, like to or not.


Of course you dont have to plant the cuttings, but it is a job that requires quiet a bit of fussing.


Good luck.


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I havent tried root trimming but i have had rooted clones grow in 6" coco fibre for 3 weeks until rootbound then unpot the plant, over a babys pool then break the soil up.. Repot back into the 6" pot can redo this in a week and leave for one more week.. This will be pushing it to the limits with the roots almost filling the whole pot.. I usually repot that into a large container and flower..... In perlite its even easier its as soon as it leaves the pot if farly dry... hope that helps

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I keep over 20 mothers (a lot are dups) in 4" pots using a coir and perlite/vermiculite mix. These live under an old table. I've strung 2 sets of 2 floros under the table and these hang about 4-6" above the plants. Labour intensive? I spend bout 3 hours a week feeding and trimming them. Coir may not be a good medium for keeping mothers as I believe it attracts fungus gnats. I hate fungus gnats - they have destroyed more of my plants than anything else. But I ramble.

At least every 6 months you should trim the roots of your mothers. This involves using a knife and sawing off 1/3 of the soll from each of the 4 sides of the root ball and about the same proportion off the bottom. The remaing rootball is then replanted in fresh medium. Some claim mothers will last many years. I find that with the bugs around I'm replacing mine every 2 years. Check out the original articles by Oldtimer at Overgrow: http://www.overgrow.com/iss2/clones.html

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