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phillips 315w LEC with D-Papillon reflector

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Well my son has all the info he needs and has made his decision for his one light setup. It isn't worth a lot of money by a long shot.


So all I'm waiting for now are the final pics please FIWH.


Grabs popcorn, kicks back and awaits the results. :D

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Went back through 5 pages couldn't find a pic or any grow info, gave up.


Hope the grow went/is going well.


Naycha :peace:


sorry naych the thread kind of took on a life of its own. lots and lots of people talking tech and really i think its gotten more confusing than helpful.


there was a final photoshoot but it was rushed due to the hrs i keep at work lately. the shoot before was a good one though with some qaulity pics and its only a short time apart so it looks about the same as they did at chop time. #200 on this page for final pics before chop





Waiting for substanciated yield comparisons on these globes. Only real interest in this thread is the yield report which could be telling or not...


Tidy grow though


yield report will be up in a round 2-3 weeks the dry is coming along slowly with this cooler weather. i am drying this in my drying rack instead of hanging whole plants like i normally do and i can tell you every tier is full and i tossed a plastic shopping bag full of popcorn into the hash pile. i know im going to hit the gram per watt without a doubt. there is no question at all the buds are just as large and plump as any other light i have ever used. the real question is just how much did this mighty little light pull. the fact you can easily pull a gram per watt with these with a moderate yielding strain should be enough to convince anyone these lights are worth the money but i know if i can say i pulled a LB from one it will be a game changer for a lot of people. although i wouldnt hold my breath for that result, my guess at this stage is somewhere between 12-14 oz not including the popcorn i tossed out.

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Pegz don't really care if you believe me or not but I can tell you the results given for these lights came from a guy who told me it was a plasma. Not knowing much about plasma I did my research and came across these bulbs. I then went to speak with someone I know who told me they had been testing these lights and so far the results were coming back about 1.5 grams per watt. Now don't really give a shit if you believe my but u know where you can shove your candlestick.

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I'm fairly certain HPS is still unbeaten as far as pure yield goes, HPS = big stretch + big buds. ( Though I am curious to see what kind of yield FIWH gets this grow.)

Not to open up "THAT" debate... but just a little snippet of something I read and is just food for thought on theory... not an introduction for a "HPS vs CMH" battle...


It may possibly explain why forgetiwashere gets a really good yield of what would seem an underpowered bulb for his space..




Check out Sunmaster Warm Deluxe (3000k MH) or the Sunpulse 3k. You get the best of both worlds IMO. I use a mix of Warm Deluxes and Cool Deluxes.


I believe the use of HPS stems from outdated lore. People started using them when indoor growing first started because they had the highest output of any bulb available, in the best spectrum (metal halides were junk). The metal halide technology has progressed considerably since then and has far surpassed the HPS.


People think that stretch happens during flower because they switch their plants from MH to HPS and their plants freak out because the HPS lacks so much spectrum. What the plants are really doing is trying to find the light (even though HPS provides a lot of light, it is not in the right spectrum the plant wants

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Obliterated, if you are going to quote other forum's posts could you at least acknowledge where the info comes from... and just as an aside... plants stretch during transisition whether you change the bulb, keep the same bulb, or are growing out of doors. It has nothing to do with spectra.

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There might be some confusion here.


Anecdotally, many growers report shorter node spacing, denser buds and overall more compact plants when flowering under MH as opposed to HPS, this is what I was referring to when talking about HPS and stretch.

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thats very cool but man oh man i bet they are going to charge through the nose for that bad boy.


i have some shots of some of my sample buds. the rest should be dry very soon. i tried to get some natural light shots but they didnt really turn out. the flash ones dont really do the buds justice either. i will get better shots when its all dry







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