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How Close 2 Put Lights

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Hello every1,Just wondering how close 2 put lights 1 600 hps n 1 400 hps,say using rooted clones,space say 1.5 metres by 1.5 metres is that enough light?Is there a rule of thumb when hanging lights how close is 2 close and how far is 2 far or do you go buy the heat/temps as if i put any lower i think it will go over 30?How often do rooted clones need nutes say 1/4 strenth in mornings then water through out the day?Once a week etc Say using big pots with perlite,If any1 can give me a rough idea how close a 1000 mh should be aswell Thanks
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And how often should pelite b watered (every 3 hours etc)If using large pots and starting with rooted clones and do i give nutes 1/4 strenth once a day in morning then straight water the rest of the day?Once a week etc thanks hope i make sense as whacked :)
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With regard to lights, I never get closer than 1 foot, but then again thats using 400's.


Depending on how hot it gets in ya room, I had a little burn when we had three days around 40 outside.


Fuck it got hot, even with running my lights at night....


As long as the girls look happy....!





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To set the light to grow height, start at a safe distance above the plants (approx 45cm for 400w, 90cm for 600w, 1200cm for 1000w), hold your hand palm down level with the top of the plant for a few minutes. If it feels too hot on the back of your hand the light is too close, if cool then it's too far away. If it's pleasantly warm and it feels as if you could hold your hand there all day then it's OK.


And how often should pelite b watered (every 3 hours etc)

Assuming that you are using a recirculating system you water for 15 minutes or as needed every 3hrs.



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