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Vapir Is A Piece Of Shit

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check out this thread for my other comments on the Vapir I just purchased. In short I think it sux, not as good or as easy or as quick to use as hotplate style IMO and to add insult to injury the fucking thing just blew up! Well not quite, but something internally starting making a lot of smoke when I turned it on to heat up :D


I am so unimpressed by this unit I'm not even going to bother to get it fixed.

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well said pipeman,

i agree with all that and more.

sorry to labour the point but if you did want to get it fixed/replaced it has to be returned to the manufacturer in the states. call me chicken, but i wouldn't feel safe doing that.

because the basket is placed inside the poxy thing i think it is impossible to be sure that it is "clean" in the true sense of the word, and as such is a bust waiting to happen.

as stated on the other thread, mine "blew up" after a couple of weeks too.

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dunno what Off Ya Tree have got.


I've also got an aromazap on order I'll post a review of that when I get it.


Meanwhile my Agung hotplate vape is doing its job as always while the piece of shit Vapir has been relegated to the spare room where I put all my shit that I don't use.

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dunno what Off Ya Tree have got. 


I've also got an aromazap on order I'll post a review of that when I get it.


Meanwhile my Agung hotplate vape is doing its job as always while the piece of shit Vapir has been relegated to the spare room where I put all my shit that I don't use.

thats lucky I was going to send in a money order 2morow for the same thing. I might as well wait to read your review first :D .


keep up the good work pipeman, looken forward to see your review and you'll defintly be hearen my 2cents about the aromazap when I get mine

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Guest niall
I'd love to see some detailed pics and reviews of the Aromazap. I've been planning to do a review of the Vripmaster for ages now but I don't have a digicam and it all revolves around the pictures I think. Might also take some decibel readings and compare it to the Volcano and other hot air methods when I get the chance.
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Pipeman - looking forward to your Aromazap review. I've had mine for near 2 years and can't fault it (except on hot Adelaide summer days when it doesn't like being left on constantly). With regards to your Vapir don't be like the majority of Australians - complain. It's your money and if the product doesn't live up to your expectations then you must let the manufacturer know - even mention that you posted a review on this board. Dealing with US companies can be painful - I've been screwed over by them in the past - but you owe it to yourself to let them know AND to tell them you're part of a community that might use (or not) their product. As for the 'zap I've had nothing but help for the US vendor I purchased it from (the guy who makes them). All the best.
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hey Gruntus, yeah I may have been a little harsh in my review of the Vapir, I may have dropped a bit of weed in there by accident that made it smoke up cause I tried it again and it worked OK. But I was ripped off my tits at the time and all the smoke freaked me out. lol but yeah I'll let Vapir know what I think, the thing works, but is a total ripoff ($400) for what it does IMO.


I ordered the zap mainly on your recommendation mate, so if it sux I'll complain to you lol anyway I'm off to check the PO Box to see if me zap has turned up yet.

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My Vapir has been in the cupboard since the day after I bought it. My problem wasn't with the Vapir because I figured I just needed to practice more.


My issue is with vapourisers in general. When I tried it, I spent hours sitting around doing nothing but waiting for vapours. It bored me shitless!! I'm not a person who can just sit around doing nothing (even watching tv is too boring most of the time) so I don't think vapes are for me.

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hey Gruntus, yeah I may have been a little harsh in my review of the Vapir,

this is my last post on this subject as i am begining to bore myself now. the only reason i am bothering is because it might stop someone wasting their cash!

IMHO the vapir is:

an over elaborate, flimsy design. mine lasted no more than a few weeks before "blowing up", it just refused to heat up! it's unstable and just plain alkward to use.


it's design means that it would be very dangerous to send back to the manufacturer if it goes wrong, (hard to clean properly, has to be sent to U.S.A.). 10yrs in fed. pen. (no thanks) :angry: lol


it just doesn't work properly, yes, i was stoned, but not ripped.

at the top temp. (which for me was the only temp it actually worked at) it actually burnt the mj and took ages to heat up. I had the battery/mains model, at top temp it took 20-25 mins to warm up which is the length of the battery time, so when it was ready to use it clicked off

it's hard to see when the vapour is coming out/forming in the little chamber, a lot of waste.




now that i have got a volcano and i compare the 2 side by side,well it's like comparing a bicycle to a motorbike.

the vapir is a kiddies toy, the volcano is a real mans tool (if you know what i mean)


and that is my last word on the subject


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