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Lies Told By The Media


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I read John kaminski's internet essays, and while I don't agree with everything he says, he does an excellent job of exposing the lies we are told by the media, particularly about Sept 11 and the war against "terrorism " and weapons of mass destruction. Isn't it strange that the country with the most weapons of mass destruction (USA) is the country that wages war against a country that ACTUALLY HAS NO weapons of mass destruction?

Ok I know everyone is probably sick of hearing about it, but if you want a good read...go to the John Kaminski Website.

Amother intersting (Australian) website is Srenedipity (just do a search...I wasn't sure about the rules for posting links or even if they work) :D

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Isn't it strange that the country with the most weapons of mass destruction (USA) is the country that wages war against a country that ACTUALLY HAS NO  weapons of mass destruction?

How can you be sure there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?...it's only early days yet.


Perhaps Mr. Kaminski has been reading too many of those media lies.

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In this world, Buddy, nobody can be sure of anything, however, you'd think that after all those "inspections" something noteworthy would have been found. We still have the problem do we not, of the war waged on a country that allegedly has WMD, by a country that HAS WITHOUT DOUBT A HUGE ARSENAL OF WMD

Perhaps Mr Kaminski has been reading too many of those media lies


Yes of course he reads them, otherwise how can he expose them?

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How can you be sure there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?...it's only early days yet.


Perhaps Mr. Kaminski has been reading too many of those media lies.

yeah Buddy those pesky journalist types always insisting on facts to back up a story are a real pain. Who do they think they are? Personally I don't care if the US needs to occupy Iraq for the next 100 years, the search for weapons of mass destruction must go on!


Also I would much prefer if all our news was released through the US Department of Homeland Security. Now wouldn't life be simple then :D

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I have studied the ramblings of John Kaminski and have come to the conclusion that he is an anti American racist specialising in the hatred of jews and making a tidy profit out of it.


Following are some of his crackpot theories..........


“The unknown men who played the roles of the so-called Arab terrorist hijackers were recruited by either America or Israel.”


“Arab hijackers DIDN'T do it.”


“al-Qaeda is also a total fabrication.”


“Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist.”


The Bushes do business with the bin Ladens, and have done so for years.


“Why haven’t American intelligence operatives gone to these foreign countries to interview these named hijackers?

Because they knew the list was fiction in the first place, and the Arab-types who have been named as terror gurus are mostly their own employees, or people who have been set up by them.”


“Hundreds of innocent people have been unjustly imprisoned and tortured at Guantanamo. All of them innocent.”


“America is now a criminal nation, and all Americans are criminals.”


“Americans are now in a minority in the U.S. Army”


“There is no law in America now. Only tyranny.”


“The monolithic media monstrosity that keeps this conclusion from us is almost exclusively Jewish. NPR, CBS, NBC, ABC and the thousands of other organizations from which we gather our information are all controlled by Jews”


“Those gas chambers you can see on the Auschwitz tour weren't really there in WW2”


“Germans never gassed anyone during WWII.”


“Nor is there any hard, non-Jewish evidence of so-called gas chambers. The Jews who did die — certainly not 6 million — perished from either malnutrition or typhus.”


“Hitler made Germany into an economic power when the rest of the Western world had been reduced to poverty-stricken chaos.”



So ... I wouldnt take too much notice of this moron, anyone who can use a typewriter has a twisted mind, and connections with a publishing company can put out drivel like this.


Im still awaiting the release of Pipemans promised book ::D: ::P: ::P:

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I respect you for being articulate and of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think the danger comes when a person is convinced that their veiw is the only valid one.

Debate is good. It open's one's eyes and mind. John Kaminski is actually a Jew himself, but anti Zionist. Don't fall into the trap of thinking all Jews are Zionists. It's like saying all Arabs are evil terrorists.

Yes, Kaminski makes some large claims, but they are backed by years of research. There are many others who are beginning to think that our government has lied to us about many many things.

Kaminski does not make a profit from any of his internet essays, in fact he funds the whole thing himself, which is why he was without phone, gas and electricity late last year.

I think it's foolish to think that everything in the history books is true.

I could respond to each item on your list, but I have the feeling you would reject my responses, as they do not reinforce your own beliefs. I would love to think that ALL heads of state in the west always do the "right thing", and that there really is an evil enemy out there that must be stopped, but there's too many things that don't add up. If you can convince me, I would be grateful, because I don't like living in a country that is led by a man who sends young men and women to kill young men and women in Iraq (or whatever country you choose...the USA has bombed the shit out of no less than 50 countries this century), for reasons that have turned out to be lies.

bong on


P.S Have a look at the number of "ineliable rights" we "coalition of the willing" (willing? hahahaha) have lost since the inception of the Patriot act in the USA, and the subsequent actions of the Oz government here. Hell you can get raided now just because you happen to be a Muslim.

I would love to be wrong on this one, really I would.

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The other point I wanted to make was that the USSA should be under the same scrutiny as any other country when it comes to WMD. It's ok for the USSA to possess a huge arsenal, but not Iraq. Seems to me the USSA can breach Geneva Convention and UN statutes whenever it likes, but if an oil rich Muslim country does, then it means war. Israel on the other hand, seems to be able to do whatever the hell it likes without recriminations from anyone.

Call me a cynic, but something stinks.

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I don't like living in a country that is led by a man who sends young men and women to kill young men and women in Iraq.

The Australian Prime Minister didnt send troops to kill men and women in Iraq....now your starting to sound like John Kaminsky. ::D:


Modern history is full of power crazed pschycopaths who have committed murder and genocide like Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Slobodan Milosivich, Chairman Mao, Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Hirihito, Bennito Mussilini, Napolian Boneparte to name a few.


Lets forget about the WMD and imagine if you can what it would be like living in a country with a murderous dictator running the show, or to be an oppressed uneducated woman with her butchered genitals living in a strict muslim country.


The trouble with people in affluent first world countries, the "stuff you jack, I'm alrights", who's biggest fear is their footy team losing the next match or the trains not running on time, dont seem to be able to put themselves in other peoples shoes.


Everyone puts shit on the Americans, I know, they can be a pain in the arse at times but without them poking their nose into WW2 the whole world would have been over run by Nazi Germans and Japanese...a very frightening thought dont you agree ? What happened in Nanking China and the jews would have happened to Australians as well if the Yanks hadn't stopped the Japanese advance.....the footy team and the late trains would be soon forgotten while you lay on the ground after having been repeatedly raped by Japanese and a sharpened bamboo stake shoved into your vagina after they satisfied themselves.


The world owes a lot to America, they didnt want to enter any war until they were attacked at Pearl Harbour and from then on they have taken it upon themselves to become the world police and if they need a helping hand, Australia has always been beside them in appreciation for their help in keeping Australia a free democratic country.


I note that John Kaminski who hates America and Americans still chooses to live there......I wonder why ??

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