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Hydro vs Soil

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boepimps right, the question of my original post hasn't been answered. I know hydro/hps yields more in a shorter time than soil/fluoro. however i'm not a heavy smoker, so fluoros may be enough for me. So I'm mainly interested in what will effect the quality of the finished product. The impression I get from Tom's posts is that it doesn't make a difference.


The other reason I'm thinking about soil/fluoros is that I don't like the idea of dealing with hydro shops.


I've got nothing to lose by giving it a go. If fluoros are good enough for me I've saved a few hundred bucks and the trouble of increased ventilation for cooling for a HPS. If i find its no good I can always upgrade my system for the next grow.

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I've got nothing to lose by giving it a go. If fluoros are good enough for me I've saved a few hundred bucks and the trouble of increased ventilation for cooling for a HPS. If i find its no good I can always upgrade my system for the next grow.


Sounds good to me pipeman.


what should i start on, hydro or soil, i've heard that hydro is a tad more complicated, but easier in the long run, but a hard upkeep, is this true?


There are several different hydro methods, some hard and some easy, if you are unsure about hydro why not start with a good potting mix and see how you go?



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