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Smoking A Cone Properly

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I used to be a budgie lungs when i first started smoking but over time i discovered a few tricks to make cones easier to sink. First thing is, it is always smoother to sink a cone first go, stale smoke makes you want to cough so it's better to get it in one.


About a year after i started smoking i made a 375ml galiano bong, immediately i could sink party cones, after i put a shotty in it, it got even easier. Unfortunately a friend dropped it and it is no more. Now i find a long tube is realy good to cool the smoke. I prefer a bong you put your mouth in (just watch your mates don't dribble in the bong) rather than a small neck like a galiano or coke bottle. Unless you are making a good one or buying one or if just want a disposable one, the 500ml flavoured milk and OJ bottles are great (i am lucky enough to have smoked through an old school Orchy bottle) and don't forget the shotty. Keep your water fresh, wash it out before and after every session, a few of my friends used to keep their water for months on end and besides the risk of disease, no one wants to smoke through dead flies and roaches, dribble and who knows what else (it doesn't take much to get people like that to think about what is in the water to make them change it and i realy wouldn't bother smoking through a dirty bong because the taste is rank so it defeats the prupose).


A regular Bonza fit cone is a nice size to smoke, it leaves less waste and realy there is no need to show off, it has a slightly larger hole so it blocks less and a match will clear it without digging the shape out of the bottom of your cone like scissors can. Pack it level with finely chopped matter, not too firm, just tight enough so you can draw air through it, the finer it is chopped the more surface area there is to catch alight. When you light it, use a circular move and try to keep the flame in the cone as much as possible, once the cherry is lit you can take the flame off it and you only need to light it every now and then if it goes out, if you use a blow torch 'jet lighter' be careful not to blow the top of your cone away. Use a nice slow, even pull when you light it (you don't want to fill your lungs before its lit) and as you pull towards the end of the cone you will notice it starts to crumble down and crack, give it a little extra pull to drop the last bits of ash into the water, then take you finger off the shotty to clear the chamber. Don't go too slow either, you can only go for so long before you need a breath, go about the same speed you would to draw breath, then when it starts to crumble, punch it. Once you get the hang of it you will be able to sink it and have a little lung space left to draw a little fresh air over the top so the smoke isn't sitting in your throat. When you blow out, blow it out nice and relaxed, don't struggle or try to blow it out too fast, your throat will constrict and you will cough, also don't tilt your head back too far when you blow out, the more you stretch your throat out the harder it will be not to cough. One final tip, i don't know if it's a placebo effect but try and keep the smoke out of your eyes, it seems to make people cough.


A bong is like a musical instrument, practice makes perfect so jam with me. lol

Edited by Medicineman
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