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Help With Smell

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Hey aussie,


a few ideas for cooling your room.-


1)Try using a air cooled light ie. "ablight aircool". Make sure that u totally seal the glass bottom with tape and fill any holes. It will take at least 3-5 degress off the temp, but again duct outside air into the light then into your ceiling - using a good quality fan to do this.


2)Run your lights at night when the outside air is alot cooler. Thus the air being pulled into the room is a lot cooler and the air going into the "air cooled light" is alot cooler.


3)If you install a air-cooled light - another trick is 2 install a co2 injection system in your room. This will allow your plants 2 actually grow alot faster at 31-34 degress. Thus the extra heat is benefiting your grow room. A good choice is the CompuGas system.


4)Last resort is to install a "wall AC" into your grow room. They have come down in price with a 10amp AC cost about 500 bucks.

Another problem usually associated with small grow areas can be heat, but usually humidity is but far a worse problem - installing a AC fixes both of these dramas.

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Thanks immensely jackfrost, I will definitely put your sound advice into practice. I have air con in room next to grow room, i have cut a hole in the wall dividing the 2 rooms and mounted my ducting and inlet fan to bring air in from that room. I am definitely very interested in CO2 and after hearing from you that it actually works better at high temps is a god send. Thanks again I'm rapt.
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I then have a 300mm inline fan in BOTH pieces of ducting, then a short piece of 300mm duct that goes into a Y connector. The Y connector has a short piece of 300mm ducting which is then connected up to a carbon filter.

Hey, dickhead me didn't mention these 2 inline fans that I'm talking about are axial fans not centrifugal, I'm now thinking they are the problem, and that I should get a centrifugal as well mounted directly onto carbon filter.

Will this help with smell and heat?


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Whats up aussie1, I would suggest an inline fan of around 300 cfm to exhaust put it right after the y and put your outlets on oppisite sides of your grow area. Ozone generators really work well and are just a bit more exspensive. If cash is in short supply make a larger carbon filter there are plans for these everywhere, If you can't find one let me know still get the inline fan well worth the money. -- mrbowtie --
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F420 and mrbowtie thanks for help and info. Yes F420 i tried taking the

cardboard out and it made no difference. The 2 inline axials are exhausting less than the inlet axial because they have a carbon filter on the end of em.According to hydro shop you can end up with a filter that has been packed way too tight. I think my problem is not having a centrifugal fan directly on the filter. The filter is 6 months old and bought from hydro shop. Looked up fan specs on internet and centrifugal fan is rated at 51 decibels compared to axial at 49 so not much more noise than I already have.Can always wrap a few bradford batts around it to quiet it I suppose.Buying centrifugal tomorrow hope it fixes the damn problem because if I have to put one more fan in there just call me Dorothy and look me up in Kansas.

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Just spent 350 bucks on a god damn centrifugal 12 inch 860 litre per second fan, installed it with the other 2 zeihle 12inch exhausts and I still can't get fucking negative pressure, even with the 12 inch zeilhe inlet turned down to a third of the speed. I FUCKING GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!


Yes duckbert, I wish you were making the laws, power to ya.

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Just spent 350 bucks on a god damn centrifugal 12 inch 860 litre per second fan, installed it with the other 2 zeihle 12inch exhausts and I still can't get fucking negative pressure, even with the 12 inch zeilhe inlet turned down to a third of the speed. I FUCKING GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!


Well, let's see if I can help.


Are your walls and joins airtight firstly.


Secondly, is there an active intake. If so, turn it off.


Thirdly, if the door sucks in when you're not touching it, like it's been drawn into the room, that's okay. It means that air is only going IN to the the GR by the intakes and whatever space is available.


You want to have all the air touching a carbon filter before it leaves the room if possible....


I'm probably saying things you already know, but I'm just trying to help.


Good luck aussie1, just take it easy, you'll get there eventually.


Considered a few hundred insence sticks?

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Thanks Luke Skywalker for trying to help. Have tried all of your suggestions but I still can't get negative pressure even though I have 12 inch centrifugal and 2 x 12 inch zeilhle axials as exhausts and one lousy 12 inch for active intake. If intake is switched off room gets up to 31degrees. But turning the inlet off does solve the smell problem. I will have to go to night light cycle so I can have the damned thing on while everyone in the neighbourhood is asleep.
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