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Guest niall
If anyone has used one of these or knows someone that has I'd be interested in any feedback. 



I haven't, but there's a video of it in use at:




It seems to be pretty slow and noisy. Vriptech were meant to release their "Valloon" product week ago but they've run into manufacturing delays - hopefully any week now it'll be available. It's pretty much the same concept but using a Steinel hot air gun as they do with their Vripmaster products, but it uses a similar valve/bag technique to capture your vapour and enjoy it at your leisure. Based on the results of a Vriptech setup, I'd really wait to see how this one turns out before ordering a Volcano... There should be some good reviews up soon in Overgrow's vapourising thread in the Hash and Oil forum.

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hey I just read that massive thread on overgrow. I was under the impression that the Volcano was the primo product but the fellas at overgrow seem to disagree. Most seemed to the think the Steinel heat gun and vriptech setup was the best as Niall said. (Although I noticed Niall also had a couple of posts in that thread so maybe we're all getting our opinion from the same place) But anyway when the new model gun comes out I'll definitely get me one of those and give the Volcano a pass.


The aromazap did get a lot of good reviews though, and I remembered Gruntus has one of these and loved it. At about $200 including shipping its a fair beat cheaper than the other convection model vapes and it looks small and stealthy too, and best of all doesn't make any noise.



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Guest niall

The latest Hilary Black Show (#9) at Pot-TV gives a really good comparison of different vapourisers, goes into their individual pros and cons at Bubbleman's "Inhalation Station" at his store The Melting Point in Vancouver.


Also a good discussion of trichomes and water hash extraction at the start, this is a great primer for vapourisation and hash - EVERYONE should go watch this show as it's brilliant. No really, go watch it now :D

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I was fortunate enough to use the Volcano at a coffee shop in Amsterdam a few months ago.


It works great, but is a bit pricey for the home user.


Anyway, the vapor was presented in a large, clear plastic bag the size of a big balloon.


There was plenty of gas, the flavor of the cheeze really came out and it worked very well.


It is expensive, but there is a reason for that.


I give it 5 stars.

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