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Carbon Filters


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Hello,Just wondering if anyone has used the carbon filter that is on overgrows faq?How much activated charcoal was used?How much to build$?Any tips before i build?Pelletized activated charcoal is this what people used?Did it conceal smell on outlet?Where did you buy the charcoal from or can you get it from just about anywhere,aquarium shops etc?Thanks to everyone and good luck to you all ho ho ho :D :D
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Hi there big smoker, i have just about finnished my carbon filter i just have to get more actvated carbon (not spellet rite) to finnished it off, i used the og one as a bit of a gide to give me a few idears, i ended up useing one of those white 20lt buckets and cut all the holes in it , it is a bit of work to do it but i am like that i have to do things my way :D anyway i made a core out of avery wire and coved it in that quilting stuff oh i put fly screen on before the quiltin stuff then lined the inside of the bucket with fly screen and then quilting i used hot gule to stick it to the inside of the bucket then cut a hole in the lid it was a 200mm hole and the holes in the bucked are 32mm. then i cut 2 pices of 2 ply into 250mm circles with 150mm hiles in the center of them so the 150mm inline fan i got would fit nice and tight in themone on top of the bucket and another one to put the ducting on abs taped it all with duct tape, i dont know it it will work ok but i will find our soon as i am going to get some more carbon next week and i get my carbon from the locail pet shope.


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I used a 3 ltr bottle & drilled holes in the bottom with

my dremel , b4 all this i picked up some filter floss about 2 oz

And about 5 pounds of active carbon " I only used 3 pounds "

& spilled the rest on the floor.. (yikes) anyways


Ok next I poked about 3 " of filter floss down the mouth hole

& used my funnel 2 pour in the carbon . then caped it off by another

layer of filter floss .. it cost me about 20 American dollars .

& it works .. But keep in mind that I have a small 3x2.5x6 foot

enclosed grow box . All I did was put a spade bit in my drill-

drill a 1 " hold for the air to be exhausted out put my lil

computer fan inside the box so the air blows up& out

going through the filter . so far it works just fine I'm

3 almost 4 weeks into 12/12 & out side my grow box there is almost no

smell ..Inside well that a different story ..... :D

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