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pmsl, OK. It must depend on where you are. BECAUSE if you ever pull out a set of scales while you were getting on, you better also pull out your balls that must be as big as King Kong's.

+1 on weigh it when you get home, and if the standard is always poor then go somewhere else. If your new you might get 'sniggel frits'


Plus on the harm reduction side of things, why have you chosen to smoke? curiosity? hoping to alleviate an ailment??

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I'm ok with you disagreeing with me. 

Personally though I try to think about things from a position of how they'll effect others as well - while in your mind it could just be a declaration that you're not in this to get ripped off, but then in their perspective that could be 

"Hey, I don't know you so I'd rather be distrustful than to give you the benefit of the doubt", which might be a bit insulting.

Personally I think a better idea is to simply buy a small amount initially, and if you have scales check things out at home where it's safer and won't cause any potential ill feeling.


Of course, if you were buying something LARGE from an unknown person...then, maybe then it's ok to ensure your purchase is what they say it is - I think at this point it would be reasonably expected. 


I don't agree that you can eyeball anything.




I've never had to do any of that. 

Hm, in my experience you don't need to kiss ass for honesty or a "good" deal, if you're dealing with an honest straightforward person rather than some kid slinging to support his own habit etc. 

I have to say though, your views on eyeballing etc tell me that you yourself should have more a need for a scale than anyone...no matter who says they can eyeball, they can't. Not reliably so. 

Eyeballing is for the dodgy, and the naive. 


Anyone, anyone who's buying at all should have a scale.

I've made my point against bringing scales to a transaction and I stand by it being a bad idea for the reasons I've mentioned. 

Not out to convince you though, but...bluffing dealers? If you don't have a scale, then how do you know you're getting a "better" deal and, than what?

Is your only basis of comparison eyeballs you've done in the past?

A lot of what you're saying doesn't make sense. 


This is why I always say if you're buying, try if you can to deal with adults.


I think you have misunderstood my post, was directed at someone new in the scene, if you can't tell by eye if its a good size stick really something wrong tbh quite simple as I said before look at the bag size remember the redline stick bags people use to do that packed is a stick no weighing done just fill the bag, use this as a guide.


If your buying weed off someone you don't no there's something wrong right there but your worried about insulting someone that you don't even know, if your so insecure to bring scales to a deal and worried they might say something and they get pissed off you no immediately leave. I've realised through the work I do that communication is the greatest tool u can use let them no before hand that you will be doing this the most they can do is say no.


Why go into a deal already expecting to be ripped off and pissed off.

What makes you think that is kissing ass? Yea your right if you are dealing with a trustworthy person their properly close relative or friend, but this kid don't no anyone so basically dealing with an unknown person can result in problems like I've always said trust no one 100% except yourself because anyone can make a honest mistake hence checking weight.


Telling a dealer you have scales imo is great idea, say your buying for a close friend who only buys to the weight and quality, if a dealer knows your going to weigh the goods he will make damn sure it over guareentee. If he asks we're the scales are say you forgot them or some shit how's he going to no. Like I've said this is only for the ones you don't trust lol.


You say everyone should have scales but only use them at home to not make anyone mad lol, what's the point in having scales when all u do is see how much they ripped you off.



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If you are new to weed and don't know what you should be getting for your dollars, taking scales won't help unless you are buying a set weight.  What's the point of weighing a stick or a $50, you're not buying a weight but a baggy of that value as set by the dealer in question, who has the obvious response of if you don't like it, don't buy it.  Being able to ascertain the value for money with these deals is something you gain through experience.  However, if you are buying  a weight then no dealer has the right to get upset if you produce scales, if they do, walk away cause you were gunna get ripped off.  If you find a decent and mature dealer, then you will quickly find that there is no need to worry about these things, if you are buying off dodgy dudes in pubs, expect to get ripped off in new and innovative ways.  Welcome to the unregulated black market, the best way to learn the value of grow your own :)

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