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Help! Drooping Plant, Need To Save It

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yeah i have harvested some other plants but this one has fairly weak flowers and has had a history of drooping, it hasnt done this for about a 3 weeks though then i go look at it today and its drooping again :)

so i gave it some Thrive and it perked up again a few hrs later, but that might have been the sunshine that we had this arvo, unlike the last 3 days of cloud. But I might go out tommorrow and it will be back to droopy. Usually it perks up after i give it extra water, even though it doesnt look particularly dry, i suspect the roots got damaged when i repotted half way thru the grow so anyone got any suggestions of what to do to fix it?


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:) hi kermit, toms right...20l minimum and tell us some more about it. my first thought would be getting a saucer or something under it to keep some water in it. cloudy days dont hurt much overall, theyre still bigger and better than even 1k indoors.


::): drown the bitch...



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yeah its in a 20L pot in soil with some perlite, same as the other 3 plants were, but 2 of them have finished about a week ago, and one is nearly, so they have all been in the same conditions/enviroment. But the drooping one is very bushy.and has weak flowers so far, anyway it has perked up now since i gave it some thrive, so im just wanting it to finish soon, hopefully it wont droop again but i never know when its going to do it, sometimes its on hot days, sometimes cloudy, sometimes when ive already given it heaps of water it will still do that, like i said i think the roots go damaged, what can i give for damaged roots or to make it go a bit faster? its just i only had 3 plants of this strain which i like alot better than the other strain, and i want to get as much of it from this grow as i can....
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still wouldnt be too late to grab a few cuttings from down low somewhere...mate, id be thinking youre gonna have to keep the water up on a daily basis. myself, i had a duckfoot cutting out back. it was going flat out in the vegie garden with the others, then started drooping in different areas,genuinely looked like some parts were burned off such as under an indoor light...end up pulling it for the cookie jar, wasnt filling out and wasnt gonna make it basically. 1/2" water every day for 4 days...no hope mate.


yeah, go for a couple of cuttings and see what the rest does mate...



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i think the roots go damaged, what can i give for damaged roots or to make it go a bit faster?
I think there's a good possibility of that, and I'd probably be checking for fungus gnat (scarid fly), or something similar. Sounds like it could be fungal, I've had an infestation a couple of times before, similar symptoms. You can usually smell it if it's bad enough. The roots begin to rot, and the scaria fly lay their larvae in the root system, which then hatch and begin to strip your yummy root system. See if you can see any small black fly-like insects (clear wings) around the base of your stem. A good indicator is one of those yellow sticky traps you can pick up from your hydro shop, hang it close by, that'll let you know if they're around(or other nasties). It's the season for the little bastards
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yeah something like that happened to one of my girls.

one day it was fine, next day it was saggin like an old mole.


2 days later she was completely dead.

It had me stumped until i dug up the hole to have a look what was goin on.

To my dismay a family of witchety grubs had moved in to the root ball and munched it out.


Dunno how much this helps, but its what happened to mine. Might even pay to gently pull the plant out of pot so ya can get a look at that root ball.


Like jaikai said, if ya like that strain, get down low on the plant and clone the sucker. :D

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i might leave it till after its finished to pull it up, the flowers are growing a teeny bit and it hasnt drooped since i first posted bout it, just the flowers are weak. Anyway i should take some cuttngs from one of the plants i guess and try cloning, do ya think i could get some from this plant? :D

(probably not eh :P) but before i go and read about it why do you say lower branches? do i have to take it from a part thats not flowering? do i just need rooting hormone or what to do a clone?


Edited by KerMit
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Gudday kermy


::D: no man that is a stick. where did the branches go? ::P:


Ya take clones from the bottom branches cos they won't produce as much bud as the top ones.


You really are best to take clones off a plant in veg if ya know it's a female ie plant was taken as clone initially

or just when sex has shown if growing from seed.


I have only used rooting powder, but alot of growers also use the cloning gel. As far as i have heard they are just as good as each other.


hope this has helped



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yeah i stripped her bare man heheheh :D

but really it didnt have alot of branches, just kinda little ones, it grew kinda straight up with not many nodes. Anyway i can take clones off the other plants, but its all in flower, does that really matter much, and does anyone know a reliable place online that wont charge and arm & leg for the rooting gel? in oz of course, the hydro shop is kinda out of my way, or can i get it from any ol gardening supplies or bunnings?

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