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Smell Of Plant ?

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Does the smell of a plant determin how strong the buds will be >?

I have 2 plants .

both are flowering, but one started flowering a good month before the other.

The one that started flowering 1st has nice big flowers, and a mild sweet smell. It also overall looks like a nicer plant than the other.


the second plant that started flowering only a month ago has much smaller and sparser buds, but the smell coming from the plant is so much stronger than the smell of my other plant.


why is this , and does it mean the buds of the smelly plant will be better than the buds off my mucher nicer looking and chunkier and more advvanced plant ?


thanks jas

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Guest BudWaver

SMell is only one factor in marijuana...it can be strain dependant...and some of your top notch strains can bowl you over and have hardly any smell at all....for instance Heavy Duty Fruity...hardly the heavy smell....but has large buds and a resin coated...


Its kind of like saying that because your weed doesnt couch lock you it isnt good....Sativas arent generally couch lock style weeds...they give you a head stone and in the couch lock generation of smokers they think they have been ripped off because they can move after their smoke...weird eh


If you grew from seed you may have differnt phenotypes of the same strain....you need to know what phenotypes your plant exhibits by finding out what strains were combined to make the strain...

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