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Stealth cameras

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If you are guerilla growing, taking precautions such as having other legit reasons for poking about may help with a cameras planted by zelous coppers. The night vision on them are usually poor, so make the best use of low light conditions and gear to cover your identity. Minimize the time you spend with the plants or preferably pick your spots well beside creek clearings, among the blackberries or apple trees that you've come to check on to see if the fruit is ready to pick yet. Are the mushrooms in the forest yet? Are the cows ok? Fishing? Get a good story, best if its also true.

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private property boys what youse think im a complete inconsiderate arsehole not at all, just where im living we got professional arseholes around here that rip weed for a living. i have plenty of warning signs to let you no it private property and the possible outcome .so what you going to do when you catch your dope thieves tell them there a naughty boy and not to do it again like fuck. i catch you in my house my property or on my misses you will pay. as for your camera yer they do work but have you got the resource to find an unknown assalint? works if you know the thief but that about it
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yeah good idea Whitey, go to jail for kickin shit outta some arsehole ,...... that does definately deserve it......, but why screw up ya life being a hero??

Cops aint gonna care why ya did it, just that someone died/ got injured, and you got a big stack of plants and pot, making it worse for yaself.

Boobie traps are just stupid regardless where ya put em. Rippers are everywhere, its part of growing.

Stop tryin to be a hard man, and just enjoy the site, no ones impressed. Makin mini landmines..... sheesh, got more chance of blowin yaself up.


Peace. Nibbler.

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not trying to be a man just protecting my investment. peace out to all that grow but as for the thieves well you know my thoughts. ive been home invaded 3 times and got fucked up serverly one came out on top once and lost the lot the other had a brother in law narc me in to save his own arse aswell as you can imagine its cost me alot i will go to any means i have to. there nothing worse than a thieving piece of shit.grow hard or grow home
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I clearly understand your wish to 'protect your investment'. Many years ago I placed an electric fence unit used for stock on the cage I had covering my outdoor grow.

I got busted due to a neighbour's big nose and mouth.

But when the coppers came visiting they grabbed the cage to remove it and got almighty zap. I was told that it could be considered a man trap. I explained it as control to keep my dogs out of the garden, so I had a legitimate reason for the fence setup. Without a legitimate reason I would have been charged on the spot.

Man Traps are a HUGE/MASSIVE no, no in the eyes of the law

Now you are talking about an explosive device to protect an illegal cultivation. On private property or not, causing grieves bodily harm by form of an concealed explosive device can result in a big long holiday with a cellmate called Bubba. 


Best advice. Protection or not, DO NOT DO IT.



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