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nah no picts on this diary been flat out with work to even have them here where i live needed leave them at the old girls as wifey is busy too these days also as we currently both working madly designing and building a new house also been a full on last few months !!!!!


but in saying that went and helped mum trim up the girls today and de seed buds that where dusted and alas 4 new varities i look forward to growing and trying when in new house eventually( fingers crossed soonish ) new autos are ;


1 super auto dad / 60 day ( dna genetics ) mum

2 super auto dad / maxigom ( grass o matic ) mum

3 super auto dad / now this one due to my stoopidity is either ak47, nyld, or ak47/nyld, mum

4 super auto dad / super auto mum


anymore info pm me buzzo or feel free to ask away always happy to answer your questions bud after all u and sir shrooms taught me the secrets to growing these little gems


regards the feather

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cant wait to test these new babies

Hey feather good to meet u and props on the grow i just got my ak47 auto (reg) the other day and i have a original amnesia auto (fem) i was going to crack them all next week and get to growing how did the ak perform mine are from a different stable but would like to no how iyours smokes, i was planning to dust the girls i get aslong as i get a boy.

I cant wait to see how ur new genetics end up performing they can only get better as they get used to our climate and stablise with further in-breeding anyhow have a good christmas and new year...... Cheers

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Vinno, thinking about it. If there is interest I probably will. This is my first grow in a long long time, first indoor, and first with coco......first in a tent, first is shed and first during summer..... :)


My intention was to use these as a practice before going for the big yield in the winter months.


But in saying that, I will no doubt require the assistance of the forum at some stage so a diary probably isn't a bad idea.


Tried to germinate 3 of each, and ended up with 1 sweet and 2 diesel that sprouted straight away. One pot never gave anything, and I've got two sprouts that are a little suspect to me. I germinated and planted during the 50 degree heat wave, had my wife water while I was away for work and returned to find gaping big holes where she watered the coco. Oh well.....it's a practice run.


Currently have them outside during the day, then put them under the lights for the night time to hopefully boost the vege. I'll post a diary tonight.

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buzzo, shrooms i will test the beans out asap! outdoors! prob drop beans on weekend just prob the 60day cross , and perhaps the maxi cross , want to make sure all went well before havin them tested by more experienced growers like the two of you ! pm me and keep in touch merry xmas to you all
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