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I am sure about this beeing ruderalis, the habitus very typical... The ruderalis subspecie is not rare in Austria, it is also called Cannabis sativa var. spontanea because it occures quiet spontaneously on places it hasn't been seen before either spread by birds or small mamals which can't diggest the seed coat or maybe seeds can survive for years in the soil without sprouting, the biology was not very well studied. I found other places were it grows but never directly in the field (always on the edges next to a road or wood) and there it has definatly been mixed with hemp (how long ago?) as there are 3m bushes and bigger leaves with more fingers but the plants in this field are very ruderalis typed and maybe man has grown ruderalis which I doubt because it doesn't seem to me to be useful for fiber production nor seed production (very small seeds). This field seems to be abandoned for many years what would explain the number, one ruderalis plant can easily throw of 100 to 300 seeds that's why it spreads fast. Now about hemp cultivation I searched but couldn't find anything about hemp being cultivated near Vienna....



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This seriously is the coolest shit man.

Dont stop the hunt and dont stop uploading photos, I (we) really appriciate it.


Do you smoke it, or tried and its no good?

Do you collect the seeds?

Do you grow cannabis yourself and if so some of the seeds you find?

Is this form of hunting something alot of people do in the area or just something you noticed?

Edited by El Gato
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I have been alot of times in that area and never saw anybody paying attention to it, even on a road where hundreds of people walk every day in summer... I guess the farmers must know about it but overall it is a very discrete plant except for the ones "crossed" with hemp plants but those ones are in a place people won't find them... Certainly people found one and tried to smoke it and only got a headache because they are FULL of seeds, You realy need to find lots of them to get one sterile plant and then you have a very small probability that it is potent : It is a big gene pool so there is everything, I spend houres removing the "peel" with the tricomes around the seeds from different plants to try the effect and the big majority is not potent, some give you an unpleasant feeling and very few actualy gave me a very nice high but I had to smoke 5 times more trichomes (not weight as you only take the "peel" away so the trichome to plant material ratio is higher) to get the same strength in high than an average weed... As I already mention the true value I see in ruderalisfor crossing is the taste, smell, size, hardyness, of course the autoflowering or early flowering traits and other traits. I also found some weird plants that can be of interest to some people. The subspecie is spread from Austria to the east almost to the pacific ocean so imagine the variability, a mongolian guy told me that in his country it was much more potent and that people prefer it to imported varieties... I also took some non potent buds from a very tasty sterile plant and I smoke them when I want the satisfaction of a tasty spliff but need a clear mind....

Oh and I do grow on occasions but right now I don't because I won't be at home all the time and I don't have much place but as soon as I can I will be working on some crosses...

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Last little post, I went there again to see how the field goes... Well it seems to be the end for this year, a few are stil in good shape but most of them are dying...


Here a "sativa" version...




Here a more "indica" one




Single bladed leaf...




mini plant : Probably germinated during the flowering season, it would be awesome if it fas genetic imagine how it would be easy to hide mini plants everywhere...




And just to mension the number of insects you can find on them compared to other plants (caterpillars : lots of species, beetles different familys, wasps hunting for caterpillars, bugs : also lots of species, aphids and the classic thryps, spidermites etc.... and spiders too) but most don't seem to realy endanger the plant... Here a colorful caterpillar :




that's all for this year I believe...



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After a long absence I come back to have a look, don't have much time this year I will continue searching for mutants, probably on other locations and keep posting pics if I make discoverys.

@ Ferrethead : That's what everybody tells me but actually it is a bad place to grow : There is thousands of males everywhere and the buds are crying seeds all over the place... On top of that where ruderalis grows, the soil is too dry, not suitable for most commercial strains which are often more addapted to tropical climats, and this is actualy a problem for me, when I look for location for guerilla growing I have to make sure they are no ruderalis arround or my buds will be full of seeds.

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