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"High-less" strain???

Guest Urbanhog


Guest Urbanhog

I know this may be a silly question, but I am curious what happens if a old or middle aged person, who probably never smoked or digested pot in their whole lifes, and their "medicial condition" is getting worse, and they tired using cannabis as last resort for their "condition" and they tried, and found it very benefitical in their case, but what happens if they didn't enjoyed the cannabis "highs", but enjoyed the medicial efffects of cannabis?? I know this may be "off tracked question". I guess they could always cut down the doses, because I read some of my Amercian Cannabis cookbooks and they mentioned (a very small sentence) that the "THC's" can be beneifitical in small doses without getting high but get relaxed instead. lol


Any input??


Cheers, Urbanhog :P

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Different blends of cannabinoids account for high of different qualities. The intensity of the high depends primarily on the amount of delta-9 THC present and on the method of ingestion. A complex drug such as marijuana affects the mind and body in many ways. Sorting out what accounts for what response can become quite complex. The methodology to isolate and test the different cannabinoids now exists. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is funding research on the pharmacology of marijuana. However, such research is paltry, considering that over 30 million people in the United States use the crude drug. Much more research is needed before definite understanding of the cannabinoids and the high is attained.


For now, without access to a lab, you must be satisfied with your own smoking or ingestion evaluation (for research purposes only), ultimately the most important criterion any way.

Other factors;



Time of harvesting




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Funny you should ask that Hog, I was talking to a new neighbour from down the street the other day and he was telling me how a mate had recently introduced him to cannabis for his severe pain. He said that he didn't really enjoy the high but it made the pain more bearable and it helped him cut down on the pain-killers.



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When I first started smoking regularly I would get a little anxious/paranoid, and sometimes frustrated, mainly because I couldn't follow through on thoughts/conversations. I even found watching TV difficult. occasionally I found myself wishing I hadn't got high, but I seem to be mostly over that problem now. lol
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yer as someone mentioned before, medical research on the subject is far from great but on the up and up, delta-9 THC, cannabanoids, & other structual parts of cannabis all work with different parts of your body, like with controlling dopamine receptors in the brain etc, which means that with the cultivation processof cannabis production, i don't think you could seperate the high from the pain relief.

i wouldn't doubt that synthetic solution could be at hand for this but.


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Dear Urbanhog:


My own medical use includes keeping a CONSTANT amount of mj in my system at all times to control a chronic pain condition. Because I use my meds several times a day, every day, I no longer get high. I feel very normal. If I have to go without my meds for any length of time, which does happen when supplies run dry, it takes about 1-2 weeks of using before I reach that "no high" place. The medicinal effects on pain and all my other symptoms are still there without the high.


Hope this helps.


Love & Light,

Starfire lol

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I couldn't agree with that any more. I suck on about ten splifs per day. I never get high anymore, but my pain is very well managed. If I run dry for some reason, it takes about a fortnight to get full resistance, just as Starfire says.

Problem is..........I really do enjoy getting high. I used to grow three different strains at once. I find far less resistance builup if I switch strain to smoke, about every week.

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Guest Urbanhog
I find far less resistance builup if I switch strain to smoke, about every week.


I've found that I build up a tolerance if I stick to the same strain for too long.



I think that happens to most pot smokers anyway B)


Urbanhog B)

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