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How To Evade Drug Dogs


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use to steal cars (and lots of them)


I notice you emphasise (and lots of them)


Your sooooo cool NO really you are!!


Proper vacume sealed bags is best, double vacume seal if you have to make sure no resin or pot is on your hands to put on the outer plastic layer use gloves if needed.


Secondly i have been with females that have placed an 8ball of speed and mj up there vagina and passed the sniffer dogs without being detected.



Using police sniffer dogs to identify drug dealers and users has been called into question by a study that found 8 in 10 people were wrongly identified by the dogs


purhaps there smelling an older scent remaining in clothing :peace:


N.S.W dog laws are a bitch, just wait and see if johnny gets his new stop and search powers.Wont that be fun where without any reason you can be stoped and searched body and bags.Even if your doing nothing wrong being treated as a criminal for no reason is wrong.We presume INNOCENTS they have to prove your guilt this throws all that out the window in my stoney opinion ;)


I like the idea of training your own dog :( basically to see what is and isnt sniffer proof ;)

Edited by tartass
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The police often patrol the public transport system with their dogs

I saw this guy walking through the train carriages one night spraying what I found out later was bong water, its supposed to confuse the dogs so much that the police usually give up after the first couple of grannies start getting the shits with them :peace:

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The police often patrol the public transport system with their dogs

I saw this guy walking through the train carriages one night spraying what I found out later was bong water, its supposed to confuse the dogs so much that the police usually give up after the first couple of grannies start getting the shits with them  :(

Back in the early days of this site we had a couple of members that used to go into Sydney every now and then armed with spray bottles of bong water and spray all sorts of things, it caused the cops a bit of grief with their dogs only wanting to chase buses and sniff peoples backsides all day. ::peace::



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What about seeds? if some stoner in holland just mulled up with his hands and desides to then package your order. IMO he might as well as stuck a bud in the package. They only have to run the dog over the parcels to pull out yours.

I've always thought about this and how it could contribute to seizers, duno.

but if one of them dogs came into my house i guess it would have to deal with my dog first!

just train your dog to kick the other dogs arse


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Loved the suggestion about the dogs ass ... ::peace:: I alspo heard that you can use onheat dog urine to stuff em up.


What is supposed to work 100% I've read that you need Glad Wrap, a coupla sets of rubber gloves , Paprika and Alcohol.


You gotta do the bud up in several layers of Gladwrap each layer should be liberally coated in Paprika and when each layer is finished (the plastic, you discard that paid of gloves after wiping the outside with Alcohol - then another layer after new gloves go on - each Glad wrap layer needs ideally to be heat sealed - use a lighter gently. The same book goes on to say you should train yer dog - but points out that you need to train a puppy (much harder with a grown dog) and that if you get the training wrong, the dog may just go find your stash for the cops if they ever visit ....


I like the suggestion of a friend 0of mine from Thailand - I wouldnt personally use the tek, but he swears by it .. foolproof he reclons.

Get some very very dry bud and crumble it into dust - you scatter your dust inthe seams and cracks of the suitcase and if you are stopped they can't find anything ... he keeps his bud in several small packages .... inserted into his ass.... "like little turds" wrapped in several layers of gladwrap, heat sealed and ... no paprika ! :;): he says (.. no condos ... they look like condos in an x-ray machine and they'll keep you fulla laxitives and just wait)

He arrived here with some mindbending Thai weed like that about 6 months ago ... mind you, he looks straight as they come and had a good reason for arriving here ... leave that one widchas ::(:

Edited by Mushaman
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The police often patrol the public transport system with their dogs



Of course they do but they have only recently been allowed to actually travel on the trains.They often actually set up shop just as you exit the platforms its more affective alot more people can pass the dog. Personally i have yet to see them on the trains and only at train stations even tho the laws have changed.


Summer is also approaching so id say they will soon hit the clubs in syd as well happens every summer.


Dog laws are wrong its revenue rasing for the state gov. Considering its only really a fine for under 1/2 an ounce even if you have a record. id say 99% of cases when actually caught are for possesion only maybe a very small amount of people have been charged with supply.

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