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slow developing seedlings

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What about humidity?


Did you pre-soak the CoCo lightly with CoCo A+B?


Have you measured PPM run-off also?


Another EXTREMELY common reason for slow seedling growth is over-watering. Make sure you let the CoCo COMPLETELY dry before rewatering to encourage root development. I know people say feel free to water in CoCo, but this doesn't apply to the seedling stage and I've personally killed 2-3 seedlings in CoCo just by watering once a day. Now I water em once every 4-5 days. You can also add some pre dried CoCo or Peat on top to speed up drying or use a heating tray.

Edited by Farmer Joey
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I water into a flower pot plate thing. And my Ec meter needa to be submerged in about 40mm of water. So should I just water till I can test the Ec or poor the runoff from each into a cup? I use my ph strips in the runoff which came out good.


My Ec was .45 before adding anything

Edited by oldman_67
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Forget the Run off E.C.!!!!!!!!!!


Concentrate on what goes in not what comes out.


My run off E.C when I have measured it is at best all over the shop.

Just remember to get at least 20% run off when feeding.


Roughly 50% pot weight when feeding. Treat for gnats can't go wrong.



Regularly check the PH meter accuracy.....you can have the best Hanna meter but the rule still applies.

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