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Guest hashyshizle

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Guest hashyshizle

hi i been smokin for maybe almost a year and while i was on 8 weeks holidays i hit i pretty hard. near the end of the holidays i noticed somthin weird in the way i saw things which i couldnt explain. This scared me a bit then i remembered about phsycosis. I immediatly cut off the weed but after going to a concert and having it in my face all day it got a bit worse. I was getting paranoid over nothing and felt sader then usual. My thoughts were crazy and it felt like i couldnt control them and it was as if after i had stoped thinking about somthing i still was thinking about it. Again the way i looked at things was weird and its hard to explain. Later after i looked on the net about phsycosis about the brain having trouble sought of distinguishing reality i thought i must be this. anyway its been almost 6 weeks off the hooch and its prety much all gone and my head seems clearer and except for some small trips im alright.

couple questions: did i have a mild form of physcosis, did i have it at all?

Im woried going over to a mates house because they still smoke and i dont know if i inhale any it will come back. should i be woried?

Will i ever be able to smoke marijuana again?(if i can i will neva do it hard out eva again)


Sorry for the long post and sorry if i sound realy stupid but sites havnt given me much information and i don't know anyone who has experienced this. Any sites with information or links to sites will be greatly appreciated.

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In the same way that some people will die if they eat peanut butter, mj is not for everyone. With some people it can hasten schizophrenia and do all sorts of other things......but you have to be predisposed to these sorts of things anyway.

If it fucks with you, don't take it, it's not worth losing your mind over.


As for passive smoke, visit your friends and stay for a little while. See if it affects you, and if it doesn't don't worry.


At the end of the day your health ( and sanity ) is more important than any buzz. Go seek professional help if pain persists!

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Guest Wilderbud

Ive felt this before once [about 8 years ago] and I stopped smoking for about 6 months - the weed was very strong and I was smoking way too much of it and was coming down hard and regularly [more than a few people couldnt handle the weed]. I get a mild effect like this regularly but it doesnt scare me as much as the extra strong weed.


If you get yourself some nice bush buds then it might shake you back into order but I cant know for sure how you feel or how weed affects you. Good advice is stop smoking if your body or mind cant handle it and better advice is never smoke it so you dont lose the plot [its a drug and drugs affect different people differently].

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Guest hashyshizle


wilderbud, so do u still get some after affects from smokin?

and i actualy was thinking if i ever smoke again i would only get some bush. once again thx for the replys i have posted on other forums but had very little feedback.

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If you're having trouble with your head, I suggest talking to a psych or counsellor to help you through it, it may be something completely and utterly unrelated. No offence mate, but internet diagnoses are patchy at best, and usually create more ignorance than answer questions.


So yeah, see a professional. B)


Some people believe that hydroponic buds are "tainted" in some way, by the environment they grow in. Most of it is IMHO myth. :P

Edited by Luke Skywalker
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I think this feeling is normal ... Im not an everyday smoker and only smoke about 1 gram every 3 or 4 days. I have been trying to quit ciggys too and lately when smoking GANJA i have had these affects (paranoid & not in control of my body) I feel like i forget to breath and when i breath i feel dizzy. The GANJA i get is hydro & its fresh (i know the grower) maybe im getting these affects because its more potent ? in the past iv never known many dealers and certainly have never tried to quit GANJA or ciggarettes. What do you think guys ?
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I had a freind recently who was in a mental instutution. We were smoking buckets one day around a mates house , he had one and collapsed, when he came around he started talking about crazy stuff so we brought him to his house , and now he is out of an instuttion, but he is not the sam. I agree with Luke skywalker that you should see a phycologist, but remeber that weed is only for cetain people, dont do it because other people do it. I love weed and i smoke it regularly.


I have another side though. Another one of my freinds reckons when he gets new weed , when he has his first seshion he reckons he tripps out in his head a bit , but after that initial seshion he gets used to it , and doesnt trip out as much.


The best thing to do is just have ONE cone at a time , any more then i think thats classified as a seshion, and smoking weed doesnt always have to be a seshin.



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