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dirty goes inside


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hello people,


well the as summer draws to a close, the dirtbag has decided to move indoors.


I finished constructing my grow room yesterday. It is aprrox 1100 x 1100 x 1800. It is made from a timber frame that me and my brother knocked together.


I managed to get a pulley system sussed out for the light ( a 400w hps), and mounted a 250mm extraction fan in top right corner. there is a 250mm intake in the opposite bottom corner.


Fuck putting the Panda film on the roof was a bit on fun, but it all went together without to much headache.


I still need to fix up a few small gaps, where a little light is escaping, but from outside you can't see anything, which is what I was aiming for.


thanks for sharing the experience with me

Edited by dirty
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