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Keeping plants alive

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Hello. I live in South Oz and a guy sent me this seed from Canada last Year.

Its a really nice sticky female plant but is only 1 foot tall.

once i harvest the buds SOON, i want to know how i can i keep it alive until the next growing season, which will be around auguat this year.


I dont have lights, so will it survive say in my kitchen out of the winters cold.


Thanks Jason :)

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Hi there masgwapo u can keep it through winter, if u want to keep it in side maby u could get a compact fluro or 2 to keep it under until next summer or if u have a green house u can keep it in there it will last through the winter but u have to keep the frost off it as that will real quick but if u look after it u should be able to keep it until next summer.
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