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Just planted some seeds I got from a company. I used some old seed raising mix after I had the seeds on paper towel for a while.


When I went to water, it didn't go anywhere! THe fucking seed raising mix had gone water repellant! Fuck!!!!!!

Then I had to tip all the shit out and search for (the now cleverly hidden ) seeds, and repot.

What a hastle.


The lesson? Use fresh ingredients!

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Hey expansion,


Yeah .We who use seed raising mix are known as 'Pagan Growers' round here, thanks w.c (ya cunt) :)


But to be honest, i swear by the stuff. I even use it for clones and have had excellent strike rates.


Yep use fresh stuff and i reckon it's better to screen the larger pieces of bark out. Larger pieces of bark tend to impede the seedling coming up and doesn't retain your water as well as finer pieces do.


I also like to pre-soak the mix, before putting it into punnets.



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I have a large garden, so I use a lot of seed raising mix. Any large store or garden centre will sell seed raising mix. It's finer than potting mix and contains other organic material like perlite and vermiculite. Here's a link on making your own




And as I said before use the best quality and fresh stuff you can.

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