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Northern Berry Grow & Tell

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thanks to a friend in need ...

I've got a proper grow on now ...


howdy grow dudes....

with a half resonable season to go ... 3 months

I think I might still harvest some Yummy heads.

Of course , I'll keep the best one & veg it for my first foray into cloning

Winters are mild here in SE Qld. Oz... but this will bascially be an outdoor grow from here on... I futz & klutz with lights .... & the mites.


mother nature go it from here...

just let the big guy in the sky do his job au naturalé lol


I guess the thing to do is see what gender they are ... keep the best male for pollination ... grow any other males far away... ( in the front garden where everyone can see my beauties .. he he ) Nuh !


dems is Northerberries.... Canadas genetics are world class...

& I'm excited .. ! lol


week 1 the Babes germed & popped their heads up ...

will be posting the grow as we go ...


cheers , Free Choice


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