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my first post w/pics

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hey all just thought i would post sum pics of my grow @ the stage its @ the moment i dont know what strain they are as i have had the seeds for a few yrs in an airtight container .out of about 10 seeds i got four plants & outta the four plants i got 1 male but thats o.k as i need more seeds to grow next yr so i dont really mind .


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Hey there northcrop. Nice looking girls there man, they're powering on now aren't they?! lol


out of about 10 seeds i got four plants & outta the four plants i got 1 male but thats o.k as i need more seeds to grow next yr so i dont really mind .


That's cool, but am I reading this right to be that you'll let the male fertilise the females? This is a quick way to ruin the potency mate, keep the male very, very separate if you plan on selectively pollinating, (a hard enough thing to do right indoors, let alone out.) or cull it immediately. If you keep the female plants from getting fertilised your end crop will be all the better...


If I've just misunderstood this and you've culled the boy already, (as I can't see him in the pics you've posted) then I apologise. Thought I better cover that base just in case tho.


You can get a great selection of seeds all over the world, even from Australia itself now, so if you're interested in getting a "named" or "known" strain, then I'd suggest you start looking sooner, rather than later. Many a grower is stumped in early spring because they left getting their season's stock too late. lol


Anyway, hope the ladies pour out the buds for ya, keep us updated and I hope to see more pics here soon mate. lol

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and another last for today ... as u can see i have put a mark around 1 plant that is only about 2-3mths old & others r like ruffley 5 mths old but i think i have to dig deeper & wider as they r sort of stunted IMO .. hopefully next crop will b better .


p.s can anyone suggest a strain that doesn't cost an arm or leg & gives a pretty good yield & smoke ???? any help would be greatly appreciated thanx


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