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Lukes next grow...

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Here's some shots of my clones, all rooted well bar one, which is looking rather ratty and sad. I may well ditch that one. :) Because these are clones were taken from the plants at the one and three blade stage on the revegging mother, they're quite small and compact, but that's not necessarily a bad trait. :) I'll be interested to see how they'll grow out when they're like this, as opposed to the tip shoots with 5 - 11 leaflets per leaf as they are normally when cloning. Time can only tell.


They're vigourous tho, and they were taken on the 20th, with the initial rooting happening around 5 or so days ago. So they're 17 days old, some of them have roots appearing out the base, and all bar one are rooted solidly. :)


You'll also note there is a fair amount of algal growth, this is because I've introduced nutes, and there has been no covering on the media. Algae, in the same way mould is present always in the air, is present in most if not all water supplies. And given nutrients and an appropriate environment with light, they can take off and colonise the surface of the media.


It's not a problem really, but can be if left unchecked. Simple ways of getting rid of it include H2O2 and blocking light. ;)


Anyway, enough of that, I'll just post the pics and you can see em for yourselves. :)


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Hi guys. Didn't get to do the pics of the mums last night, so I'm here now with em. :)


First up, let's just clarify what's happening in the GR. I've decided to grow out a couple clones to flower, and I'll start a new growing thread to cover those two plants as a separate piece. In here I'll keep you up to date with my mothers, and any clones I've got at the moment. I'm having to make some serious choices soon, as to what to pot up and what to dispose of, and I'm not having much fun thinking about it.


Anyway, here's the mothers as a group, we've got a skunk x white widow, the mutant, a blue widow, and a couple of dutch passion purple stars.


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