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Bud sites?


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What exactly does it mean by "bud sites"? Is this sorta what you do when you grow with a screen? Make as much of your plant as possible come in contact with light, grow horizontally etc? How exactly would you do this?

Sorry about all these questions....but I wanna be as well prepared as possible when I start my first grow:)





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Bud sites are were your plant will start to bud like were the leaf comes out from the stem and u have a shoot comeing up from there that is were a bud will start and the aim of the grower is to have as many buds as possable so the more bud sites the better, but the lower ones were the lite has a bit more trouble getting to wont be as good as the ones at the top, i hope i said this rite but if not 1 of the other members will be able to explane it a bit better than i did.
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