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Need Help Identifying


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Hey guys and gals


Could someone help me tell if my two children are female or male and what strain the might be.


I also need to know whether they will grow any taller before winter. I have just put them into nice huge pots with good soil. Im thinking now that they are flowering they might stop growing....any comments or advice will be greatly appreciated.


Heres the first one.....from afar


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Guest BudWaver

looks like females to me...generally your balls will drop on your male plants and there will be a cluster of them.....the males show before the females generally...if you have male and female organs on the plants you could well have a hermie


nice female flowers from what I can see


your plant look like the standard sativa/indica mix...


ya should ask the strain when it has buds..sometimes you can narrow it down then

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Guest BudWaver

maximise your yield by supplying your plant with penty of what it needs...


nutes, water, disease free environment...plenty of root room and a correct environment to flower them so they dont reveg which is what might happen if they are outside at the moment


strain dependant their height during flower...sativas stretch wickedly outdoors...indicas Im not too sure aboiut

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