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Cooking with a small amount..?

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Hi friends :)


Hopefully this isn't a stupid question!


Unfortunately I'm not able to get large quantities of green at a time, but I'm really interested in baking/cooking/creating something to eat/drink - but all the recipes I have found seem to call for large quantities (ie ounce). I was wondering if anyone could recommend some recipes/techniques that can use say one/two sticks? Or similar :)


Thanks to anyone who can help!



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hey sister how are you :) welcome


i perfectly understand what you mean by cant buy allot and that its fairly expensive especially to go into brownies hehehe :) well their is this recipe that works 100% no matter how much weed you use :) well better to use more then 1g hehehe anyway the only thing not to do is to decarb your bud in the microwave do it in the oven the old fashioned way :)




i use this recipe for making brownies all the time no matter the amount of weed i use and it works extremely well :) but big tip only use coconut oil or lard butter will not absorb as much cannabinoids like coconut oil or lard. deffs no veg oil.


anyway hope this helps :)

Edited by Naycha
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I've been cooking with small ammounts lately. Through lots of trial and error what I've found to be the quickest and most convienient method is as follows :


In a small frying pan, on low setting of the stove-top, add about a tablespoon of butter and let melt.


I've got an electric oven, and what works best is if you put a teaspoon under the frying pan so the butter pools in one section of the pan. This allows you to control the temperature better.


Add about 1 gram of dried, chopped bud and let simmer for about 4 mins whilst occasionally stirring with a small wooden spoon . The time varies, but you want to cook it to the point that the nice pot aromas just start to leave the butter. You want to have small bubbles forming in the butter but not boiling or frothing.


If the chopped buds get a crunchy feel on the spoon whilst stirring, you have either had the temperature too hot or cooked it for too long. This will result in dopey/hung-over kind of stoned that is not very nice. Alternatively, if it's undercooked, you do not realise the full potential of the pot and get a sub-optimal stoned also.


When you think it's just about right, break an egg into a cup just to check it's not off.


Then take the teaspoon from under the frying pan, let the butter spread evenly over the frying pan, and chuck the egg in straight away. Mix it all around so the herb is nicely mixed in with the egg, then just cook as per a normal omlet.


I have mine on a bit of toast with tomato sauce and cracked pepper.


Make sure you get a little bit of bread to mop up the left over butter in the frying pan too, It cleans the pan and gets you more ripped.


I guess you could use the cooked butter in many ways, like on toast with honey and peanut butter if you don't like eggs.


I can be eating a pot omlet within 10 minutes of deciding I want to get ripped, and be fully stoned within the hour.


Good luck.

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No probs mate, its takes a while to get the technique dialled in, but after that its quick and easy.


The key is to cook the pot in the butter for just the right ammount of time, so that the butter goes green, but not brown


This method is good if you only have a small ammount of herb to use.


I much prefer cooking up a proper butter mix where you discard the water and plant matter at the end, and are just left with a cannabinoid infused butter. It's a much cleaner high and doesn't leaved you so "hung over" the next day.

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nice one offroad +1, will have to give this a crack. It is improtant to remeber that butter has a fairly low smoke point, meaning that it burns easily. could prob use rice bran oil or veg oil instead of butter, to reduce the chance of burning it.. However, butter does have a much better flovour than oil.


Jack C. I am quite interested in your method too mate. Any chance of a copy and paste job?? cheers bud

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Hey sister I posted a great recipe here for Cannanut Rough (Coconut Roughs) but I also included how to make Canna oil using Coconut oil (hence the "Cannanut" part). Anyways you can put in any amount of green you want but obviously the more the better ;)


I much prefer Coconut oil then the butter method as I've found it's more potant and a LOT quicker!



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When I have a nice, glistening nug to spare, I like to leave it out for a day or two to completely dry then pop the cork on a nice red, drop in the nug, re-cork and infuse for the next couple of months. Cannavino! Use a tea strainer when pouring though:-) I am pretty damn sure that Ashleys Sister is the source of this one, but you need to be quick with the popping and re-corking, and patient with the infusing. Enjoy with a rib-eye, asparagus borek and a caeser salad, (canna garlic croutons of course!:-)).
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