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good movies to watch when stoned


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Tetsuo: The Iron Man




The film opens with a man (called only "the man", or sometimes the "Metals Fetishist") tearing open a massive gash in his leg and shoving in a piece of scrap metal. Upon seeing maggots festering in the wound, he screams, runs out into the street, and is hit by a car. The driver of the car tries to cover up the mess by dumping the body into a ravine, but the dead man comes back to haunt him -- by forcing his body to gradually metamorphose into a walking pile of scrap metal.


In one of the film's most controversial sequences, the man discovers his penis has mutated into a gargantuan power drill, and his gilfriend willingly copulates to death upon it.



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Tetsuo: The Iron Man




The film opens with a man (called only "the man", or sometimes the "Metals Fetishist") tearing open a massive gash in his leg and shoving in a piece of scrap metal. Upon seeing maggots festering in the wound, he screams, runs out into the street, and is hit by a car. The driver of the car tries to cover up the mess by dumping the body into a ravine, but the dead man comes back to haunt him -- by forcing his body to gradually metamorphose into a walking pile of scrap metal.


In one of the film's most controversial sequences, the man discovers his penis has mutated into a gargantuan power drill, and his gilfriend willingly copulates to death upon it.




im going to find this movie and watch it, sounds... interesting lol :thumbdown: :thumbsup:


EDIT: synopsis & review: http://imdb.com/title/tt0096251/

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that sound like some fucked up shit man

well my pics are anything in cartoon format ie: ice age 1&2 roger rabbit, madagascar you get the idea

pink floyd da wall is definatly up there and so is the pulse live concert

dazed and confused lol what a wicked movie

anything cheech and chong

from dusk till dawn wicked movie especially love cheech in it


well there ya have i recon i gonna watch dazed and confused tonight


oh and i forgot malrats



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Dam I can not belwive clockwork orange is a popular movie I watched the first 5 mins and was like no way i am watching this. Usually I have to watch the end of a movie but not that one.


You guys missed some lol



Ace Ventura - Pet Detective

Ace Ventura - When nature calls

Me myself and irene

Joe Dirt. haha "Im your sister"

Gods Must be Crazy movies

The Cable guy


In Depth / Drama

The butterfly effect

Fight Club

Interview with a vampire

Already mentioned : Dannie Darko is a classic




Terminator - all 3

The One


Alien Movies

From Dusk til Dawn

Blade Movies, except 3 sucked




All I can think of at the moment. :thumbdown:

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