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good movies to watch when stoned


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know it is not a movie but get your hands on a copy of the "Goodies" theres 16 episodes been released on DVD
I should have rephrased that, it's the DVD you're talking about with the 16 episodes.......and The giant cat is my fav! :P
I just found out that my video shop has all the DVDs of Monkey, I haven't watched Monkey since I was a kid, In don't know if I should get them or not, it might be too much of a spin out.
Muhahaha, my brother was right into that, I couldn't work out why until I got older and realised he was a stoner in his teen years ::D:
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fear and loathing in las vegas, dazed and confused, the yellow submarine, pink floyd the wall, monty python and the holy grail and a clockwork orange are all trippy movies to watch stoned. You should have a buddy of yours with you, it will make the movies alot better


peace everyone

Edited by stonedrummer420
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Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, any Stanley Kubrik is amazing, he's a master!!

I would also say Dolls, I saw it on SBS last year, it's not a fuck-you-up movie but the weed makes it touch you in deeply spiritual ways. :)


Oh yeah and cheesy 80's movies like THINK BIG. With two musclebound twins with mullets. Oh what a great movie!!

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Didnt read all but i dont like to watch stoner movies whilst stoned most of the time...except maybe harold and kumar.


Also, i notice i dont laugh much anymore...this is shit, i love laughing lots and i was starting to get a sixpack, how can i laugh more when stoned :applause:?

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