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FINALLY a comprehensive and sensible approach to an obvious problem. Cant find where else this is being discussed so have posted here. Change cant happen without public pressure (and education). EVERYONE JOIN http://adlrf.org.au/ AND SUPPORT THIS MOVEMENT!!!! I have just joined and am going to talk to as many people as I can to do the same thing. I have hardly been involved with this forum but I am moved by what has happened today and I know that without some kind of reassessment of the current legal situation, Australia will never move forward so DO SOMETHING AND GET LOUD!!
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Ok, so it seems to be a legit looking website, timed to coincide with the release of the think tanks report.


Has anyone joined or looking at joining? I think it is important that we, people who grow and consume cannabis for personal, medical and recreational use, get behind this movement. However, the main things holding me back are, firstly; the loss of anonymity. As a person who grows for personal use I do not want anyone getting hold of my name and address, I am sure many others here have the same concern. Secondly; there is always the chance that this is a scam put together to further lighten our already light pockets (often the legit looking websites are the scams). Why is this the first I have heard of this group, I would have thought the people behind this activism group would have made themselves known to Australia's largest cannabis community prior to now.


Assuming the group is legit, how do we get around loss of anonymity? Ammun, is there an opportunity for us to join as a group? Thus, maintaining our anonymous status yet giving the organization funding and numbers? Is there an opportunity to become a non-financial member? This would add numbers to the group. Currently there are around 30,000 members of this site. if only half were to become non-financial members it would at least show the federal government that there are a large number of people who want change.






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Hi Puka, thanks for your reply. I think you raise very good points. I am going to join although, if it were a movement to decriminalise cannabis, I would probably not be as keen, as you have said, anonymity reasons. From looking at the site, they seem quite focussed on law reform as opposed to drug use - a general acceptance being that people will continue to take drugs, whatever drugs they may be.


For me, that is what makes me more hopeful that this is something that may actually be heard instead of being dismissed as a bunch of hippies who claim we need pot! While we all know there is a much larger picture, I feel hopeful that with enough support, something may actually happen. I think you are absolutely right about non financial members and perhaps a group membership for this site would be a really good idea however would have to look into it (dont know that the users/admin for this site would agree). One thing is for certain, without having a voice, this issue will never be dealt with and for me, this is the most logical and intelligent argument that has been presented so far.


The membership for the group is $50. While I know that can be a lot of money, think of what those funds could actually achieve if that group has the funds and the presence to follow through. Wow!! I truly never thought Australia would get a decent argument out there BUT.... I too am very cynical but am very keen to see how this all pans out. I would like to know why their Facebook page does not seem to be very active. I would hope that after all the press they received yesterday, their 'likes' would be through the roof but again, we pot smokers are a quiet (and quite rightly paranoid) bunch. If you dont want to commit the cash, maybe checkout their Facebook page Australian Drug Law Reform - dont know that it would help with anonymity but being pro active about the laws in our country is what I am focussing on as opposed to the decriminalisation issues which would have to be as a result of looking at law reform. I was worried about reactions from family etc as to my joining the site BUT, I am focussing on the problem of addiction and not the drug use as ultimately, we are all drug users in some way or another.


That would be the first hurdle I reckon, actually convincing the powers that be that our laws are wrong and desperately need review. The decriminalisation, well that is another huge debate and very big hurdle but if we all have a voice and educate people whose understanding of the issue is, well, rather simple (Juliar), maybe that could do something. I certainly dont think we can solve this problem easily but this is the biggest most logical step that has been taken so far and I feel excited to see where it all goes and would love to discuss the issue further with as many people as possible!!


Cheers, Ammun. :yahoo:

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Good point, It is the first I have heard any of mention of reform recently and I just believe it is important to stand behind something that may have an impact. I would hope if it is a legit not for profit group that they are at least accountable for their funds somehow?? I dont really know and probably shouldnt have posted that link without further research, sorry. I have a 5 second memory span and posted it somewhere else too.


I will join today because I want to find out more about it and do something. Im sick to death of being stigmatised as a pot smoker!!!! I function in their society, pay taxes (unless Im late!) and have a couple of very legitimate health reasons for smoking pot. I also find the other drug laws so damn harsh on people and think that if the Government were more bloody tolerant, they would make a lot more money for our country to help it function in many other ways. I could rant about this topic all day because I feel pissed off and helpless with the current situation and I just want to be accepted as a pot smoker and not be scared of going to prison for growing a plant ! I want everyone else to roar about it too because without a voice, how will we ever be heard.

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