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not a fan of the lucra or luca globes they for some reason dont give a speedy 12/12 switch and plant keep stretching all through flower. I wasted two grows gave up by week3 with these globes till i found the problem simply plants show no sigh of flowering within 2 week of turn but then start ok but real stretchy uptop.


I thought it was the new nute i used so went back to what i knew with same issue again, eventually put in old phillips for third grow and problem gone hairs within 7 days. I cant explain why and these where recomended to me but after i complained i had them swapped for new phillips although all 3x 600wt had been used for a month.. learnt to wait if phillips are sold out


what ever you do dont swap all your lights to lucra at on time maby use a combo and see if you have simular issues, in the past ive used two phillips to 1 lucra in the middle without problem so maby they recently changed something or the spectrum is slightly different



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