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Outdoor grower problem

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Nah, dont do that, they're about to go to flower... Plus leaves like that which have been damaged don't regenerate, IMO.


yeh sorry mate, aj is right, didnt really think about the fact that flowering is just around the corner haha, thanks Aj :) and sorry for misleading you mate :)





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For what it's worth....


I've been growing in S.A. now for over quarter of a century & the following has NEVER failed me nor my mates.


1 - Water EVERY day. In pots water build up is not an issue. If in the ground make sure drainage is good. Surface water should soak completely in 10 seconds. If it doesn't then add lots of humus (compost) next time round. Remember that cannabis loves water...they just don't like their feet wet. By giving them a good drink daily it washes out any salt build-up & wets the surrounding soil so the roots can grow out.


2 - Feed them 10-15 minutes after their water with a double dose of fertilizer i.e. when using Thrive use 4 scoops to a 10lt bucket & then drench the girls again. By watering first you not only flush them but you also allow the fert to penetrate the whole soil spectrum - otherwise it'll just soak into the top few cm's and could burn the plant.


3 - Stand back & watch them BOOM with growth.


Now they're budding head off to BigW & buy a couple of boxes of MANUTEC BLOOM BOOSTER. Again follow the above schedule including doubling the dose.


For those about to rip in and accuse me of over-fertilizing remember that the hydro boys feed 5 mins every hour


That's my 5c worth

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Spot on Mugas. A family friend who had been growing for 10+ years who's stopped now but he did both hydro and outdoor never added anything more than lots and lots of water and a fresh fish at the bottom of the plant when you first put her in, he always got great buds and great growth. Said he'd tried all these different methods of growing but it's the simple things that really work
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