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IXL Tastic Triumph 3-in-1 Lights & Fan

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Hey all i was looking through a Good Guys catalogue and came across the -"IXL Tastic Triumph 3-in-1 Lights & Fan"- it has a full description at this link------>*****Link To Light*****


I was wondering if i could grow one or 2 plants under it?

Because a friend of mine sayed he grew a MJ plant in his bathtub under one of these lights and it grew great, ;) So just wanted to see if its all right

well hope to hear some feedback.


Ozsmoker :)

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No. Those are incandescents, not High Intensity Discharge lights. And a heat lamp is the last thing you'd need in a growroom in australia, unless you lived in tasmania and even then the hid's (see below) are more than warm enough to keep grows in the good range... You need extraction, not more heat.


Your friend is a bulshit artist. :angry: You should be aware that they've never grown pot in their lives, or known anyone who does. Or if they do, they're lying to you and trying to fuck your grow up. Either way, he's not a very smart gentleman, whovever they are. :)


There are three options for indoor lighting, and that's about it. HID High Pressure Sodium lamps, HID Metal Halide lamps and Fluoroescent lighting, which can be either compact, (those energy saver bulbs,) or standard tube type. There are some flouros which are higher light discharges, but c.f.'s are the best tech in that range at the mo.


MH lamps have a more blue spectra, and are generally used for vegetative growth. HPS have a more red/orange spectra, and are generally used for flowering. There are also agricultural globes available for both MH and HPS lamps which are boosted or modifyed in spectra so as to be excellent for both vegetative and flowering growth.


Best advice? Get a 400 w hps with a son-t or similar agri bulb. Make sure you have a good extraction fan and you'll grow all the pot you want... Well, maybe not all you want, but probably all you'll need anyway. ;)

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