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..is worm juice ok , and any idea of the NPK ratio? is it higher in any of the main elements? I presume it is ok but have never tried it.


...and if anyone would like any for free I (my old man) has heaps...but postage would probly make it hardly worth it. Unless they are in the area of N/castle or Lake Mac.

Edited by Wezz
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thanks fella's...



I'm gonna put it on tomato's at first anyway. Heard it was ok but a lot of the stuff off the internet needs to be quadruply checked... ::D:



Yeah, but it depends on the food they've been fed too


ummm....I am unable to answer that question as to the chance I may incriminate the worms.

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Guest billy bonger

I don't know if that link worked for me, but i know that's the location(I checked)


Also this may be worth a look-http:www.aces.edu/department/ipm/avgorgfert.htm


No worries Wezz :D

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gudday wezz.

i didn't know you had worms man. don't you think that's a bit unhygenic? are you eating properly? do you find yourself scratching your bum in public? that's disgusting man! there's this stuff on the market called "combantarin". apparantly it works a treat. you may have seen the add.


in future, i'd suggest buying food from the shop and incorporate a regular combantarin tea.


i hope this has helped :D

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didn't know you had worms man.



haha...there's a lot you don't know Wade!


are you eating properly?


are you fucken kidden?....try feeding 24 sixteen feet tape worms and then ask me.... :D


do you find yourself scratching your bum in public?


Yes, but whats that got to do with worms? :)


there's this stuff on the market called "combantarin". apparantly it works a treat. you may have seen the add.


haven't seen the add I'm afraid...but I use a mixture of diesel and bleach....I stand on my head with a hose up my arse and a 5 gallon drum on the shed roof. Gravity does the rest. ;)



HEY...hang on a minute...you were been a smart arse weren't ya?...I'm onto you, you cheeky prick!! :;):

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