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Book review: Australian Handbook...

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I spotted this at the local smutshop this morning for the low low price of $8.50 so I picked it up for light reading material. It's got a bright yellow light cardboard cover and is 48 pages long. It's written by "D. R. Wakefield" and revised in 1986.




It's written informally and covers a broad range of doping issues separated into chapters. It has diagrammes and drawings throughout including some of common ailments (like wilting and over fertilising) and male and female plants.


I bought it cause it was the INDOOR guide and has the HID/Fluorescent lighting thing splashed on the front cover but it doesn't contain heaps on information specific to indoor growing, mostly general information on a wide range of topics. It didn't cover hydroponics at all (apparently there's a separate book) and focuses mostly on growing in soil inside.


There's chapters on light, ventilation/temperature, water, pests, pruning, seeds and harvesting, curing, smoking and some stuff about to smoke or not to and introductions and things. I would be interested to see if the other books this guy has written are so broad in topic.


The section on lighting doesn't say much but strongly recommends a 1000W multi-vapour lamp whatever the fuck that is and doesn't mention anything about the differences between mercury and sodium lights and that sort of thing.


As I've said a few times now (i think, damn short term memory loss) this book says a little bit about everything but not a whole lot about anything. It's good toilet reading or for a general introduction to growing but I think I'll stick to the books my dad has at his place.


2 roaches out of 5.

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Thanks for the review there 99... You say you found it in a smutshop in Canberra? Wow, they sell anything at them shops now.... B) ;)


It's a shame there's no major publication dedicated to MJ growing in OZ... there are some which have specific info, for instance G Low's "integrated Hydroponics", but that's got absolutely nothing in it on soil growing, or outdoors, or outdoor hydro for that matter... Most of the books are either North American or Dutch in origin, which is all very well and good for north american and dutch growers, but a lot of the information enclosed is pretty useless to us Aussie growers, as our climactic conditions are so different... And the books which are originating in oz aren't comprehensive enough for my tastes...


I really should do some more work on my g-guide I've been putting together... Things have been pretty busy for me lately so that's been put on the backburner for the moment....


But thanks 99... Perhaps we could start a general book review section in the future, and get growers opinions on the books available... It's all well and good to read a review on Amazon, but this is where they should be IMO. ;)

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But thanks 99... Perhaps we could start a general book review section in the future, and get growers opinions on the books available... It's all well and good to read a review on Amazon, but this is where they should be IMO.


thats a great idea I reckon luke, I'll be a huge contributor, but I reckon fiction books as well, books of any kind.

there is movie ,music section but no books, I spend more time reading than listening to music or movies and I'm sure theres lots of others who do too.

What did you think of "dude wheres my bush" by the way?? if ya got it yet that is.

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What did you think of "dude wheres my bush" by the way?? if ya got it yet that is.


You mean Dude Where's My Country, by Mike Moore? Or are you referring to something else? If that's what you're talking about, then nah, I haven't been getting down to my local library lately, although I have a feeling I may be getting that title soon... The missus wants a copy so I think I'll be getting second read on that one. ;)


thats a great idea I reckon luke, I'll be a huge contributor, but I reckon fiction books as well, books of any kind.

there is movie ,music section but no books, I spend more time reading than listening to music or movies and I'm sure theres lots of others who do too.


Yeah, I think a dedicated stoner book reviews forum(s) would be great... Anyone else agree? Maybe we could have a "Cultivation/Marijuana books section and Other books area, so that you could easily find what you were after in growing, but we could all talk about the best and most influential reads of our lives, as well as total wastes of time. B) I definitely read more than I watch, so I'd agree with ya mate, there must be others here who are similar...


Opinions welcome....

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I must say I was surprised when I went to post this and there wasn't a forum for book reviews B) I think having one forum for general books and another for grow books is reasonable though cause I don't wanna read YAF Dune review when I'm lookin for fat bud growing books.


Another thing while we're on the topic is the OS bookshop, how bout some pictures of the books there? I spend heaps of money on books (hint hint) but don't want to buy a mystery bag.

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Heh heh, Dune isn't juvenile... It's a bloody masterpiece... ;)


All great ideas there 99, let's keep them coming people!


Oh, and definitely spend your hard earned book buying money here, there are heaps of great titles in there... until there are pics you could search for details on the books by using a simple search engine for the wider net, you should be able to get something from that... I agree with you on the pics, sometimes it's hard to tell just what you'd be getting isn't it, there are so many titles with similar names out there... ;) But the book itself shouldn't be judged on it's cover, it would be best if there were multiple shots, perhaps some of the pages themselves as they appear in the book (mabe 5 pages or something?) and a couple of shots the books cover and back... What do ya reckon? Or are you interested in other parts of the books themselves? What would be the defining pics which would make you decide to buy or not buy a book?


I'm sure there will be an update to the available books list in the near future, so perhaps Oz will make some changes there when he does so... But a thread requesting a book review area(s) by the members would be the first and best step to getting such things done IMO... It's not too obvious what this thread has led to just by reading the title... I can move the posts here from your review thread to any new request thread when it gets started, (hint hint, nudge nudge, say no mooah! ) just to keep it clean if you like.... ;) ;) B)

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This I would want on a book page:


1. Title, author, ISBN, year published, how many pages, hard or soft cover

2. At least a picture of the front, the back is ok to get an idea of what its about but not essential, same as inside pics.. I never look at them on amazon.

3. A list of the chapters in the book

4. A brief summary of the information in it, basically what it covers, what it doesnt, if it's worth buying or not.


And a link to any reviews it might have on the new reviews forum B)

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Excellent! I'm in, I read waaaaay more than I watch t.v. I've got a good book review to post too, will have it up this weekend. You'll know the book Luke ;)

But yeah, there is definitley a need for a book forum, for sure. All books, Fiction, Non-Fiction and Grow & Drug related books. Kewl ;)

Reading at the moment: Stoned, by Andrew Loog Oldham. Basically a stoned memoir of London in the 60's. Good book so far. Ok, I've got 2 book reviews to post this weekend then B)

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