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Okay thankso thought a low dose might be able to tighten stuff while still packing a good amount of crystals ?4


Suppose not eh if I did not care about good smoke I would run it full strength but I know that will make it weak thats why im asking for people who have used it to tell me how much and to what result


Thanks ck

Edited by cockknocker
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Want more denser buds? Use larger and more lights. Want better gpw? Take on DWC or improve your grow design.


To answer your question I tried it outdoors using coco @ 2ml per liter. It did the job and made those Maccas style cardboard rock buds people think they want. I never went back to it but try for yourself and get it out of your system if you gotta.


I think most products out there are little more than snake oil these days and that people over do shit to their buds. Overprriced shooting powder, rhizotonic (when they could buy seasol) etc.. 95% of success/efficiency comes down to the amount/aspect of light and optimal rootsystem/environmental conditions. If you cant manage them then the rest aint realy gonna help.


Good luck

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I'm not sure if rock juice has paclobutrazol in it or not .... paclo's withholiding period is 6-7 weeks ... add it 2 weeks before bloom at your own discretion - for the desired effect its possible to run 1mg/ltr paclo at quarter strength !!! ..........If you want to use it ... and it is in many of the fruits/produce we consume (paclobutrazol) use it diluted......... But you shouldnt need that if you choose a strain strictly for yield, there's usually a tradeoff though when yields are huge, the point is to find a good balance .... chronic or maybe nl x bb would be a good place to start for a noob, maybe "shiva" from sensi seeds.... You can increase your yields with quarter strength .25mg/ltr paclo because the plant can direct its energy in the first few weeks of bloom strictly to bract formation/development and pistil formation ... (instead of the usual delay - as the plant is stretching and utilising energy for the stretch) .. at 1/4 strength you wont notice any tradeoffs in quality either ..... but feel free to do a side by side comparison to evaluate..... also please note that paclo has never been proven or validated as a carcinogen or anything...... if this was the case its also likely it isnt it much of the produce we buy from woolworths or coles etc .... oh, do realise when you want huge fuck-off yields you need to better be able to control your environment ... especially as a noob ... otherwise youre going to have moldy buds.....




peace n pot,




peace n pot

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