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Parents who kill

Guest AmericanPothead

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Guest AmericanPothead
I am a beginner indoor grower. I just started growing my first set of 4 plants. I grew them in my room and they got to be about 4 feet tall and my step father decided that he would kill them on me. It was very depressing. Is there any way to get the same results from an indoor plant outdoor? I was growing a strand of Northern Lights, but as i understand its an indoor strand. but the money i spent on it went down the drain. Also it took me a longer amount of time then the usual plant takes to grow. now i know that there are many professional growers here so could you please give me some pointers? It would be very helpful. Thank you.
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If you are underage I suggest you read the site rules, as our site is restricted to 18+. B)


You can grow indoor strains outdoors, but they'll grow differently, and could perhaps have trouble adapting to your local conditions. It's mostly about whether you have a good climate locally for growing those particular strains... Where are ya man? America is a fairly diverse place... do you by any chance know what plant hardiness zone you're in? This would likely help a lot... ;)


But really, you should consider looking into an alternative strain bred for efficient and effective outdoor growth. Not saying that if you grow the nl it won't make you tons of great buds outdoors, but you could also end up with a very weak and unhappy plant too... depending on where you are.


I hope that helps mate, but I'd appreciate it if you could clarifty your age, and if you're under 18 you should understand you cannot be here. Nothing personal, it's a precaution taken for both the minors themselves and the site. And if you're of age, then welcome to Oz Stoners. ;)

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