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should i feed now?

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Just wondering if I am meant to be feeding these plants anything at the moment? I was probably meant to start a while back yes? Forgot all about it.

One is much more bigger than the other two. Probably because I dropped them whilst moving into a sunnier position.. fuck i feel stupid. Anyways... should I be putting something into the mix? I have Blood n bone lying around somewhere.


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Hey Lord Hypnos just 1 thing i would like to add when u start feeding them thay will take off so i would think about putting into bigger pot first as in those pots thay will be come root bound very quick and could slow them down as the roots will have no were to go, so the biggest pot u can use would be best IMHO.
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ok thanks guys. they haven't had much light because there's been lots of wind and not too great weather (ie. storms and overcast) so I've had them under a bit of shelter where they only got bits of sun here and there. But the weather seems to be getting better at the moment so I might chuck em back out in da sunny spot.


I have a few bigger pots so I will use them but should I wait for them to get used to their re-potting before I feed them?


And should I be able to tell the sex by now.. Sorry I'm a nubee but I'm doing a horticultural course so I should be able to know all this shit later in life :D and from the help of you fine people.


Bye Bye and thanks again.

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Forget the hortoculteral course mate, you can lear more from others on any of the dope sites, of which there are thousands. May I suggest one that is absolutely brilliant as far as diagnosing plant problems, complete with pics. It is www.overgrow.com/growfaq/97. Another great source of info is at The Vaults of Erowid www.erowid.org. Follow the links and it even tells you how to make Hash Honey Oil etc. I have a heap of more sites if you need more info. Contact me.

Best of luck and talk nicely to your babies and they will reward you with "Mindless Bliss".

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k thanks mate. i prefer to use this aussie forum cause i can't fucken stand yanks and they always use brands and shit from america but sometimes their info is useful so ill check it out neway.


I'm doing an apprentice in the landscape industry and the Tafe course that I have to do comes under horticulture. I'm not specifically doing it so I can grow pot.. I was just saying that some of this crap that I learn may be useful.

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k thanks mate. i prefer to use this aussie forum cause i can't fucken stand yanks and they always use brands and shit from america but sometimes their info is useful so ill check it out neway.

Well said.....everyone has their opinion of yanks, some good some bad but if your growing down under , its best to talk to Aussie growers because they use products available in this country.

You cant just pop down to Walmart and buy a 120 volt HID....wont work here unless you spend more bucks on it and most of the other brands they use related to growing plants, I've never heard of in Oz.


Cant go past their General Hydroponics nutrients though, available at a store near you ;)

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What the others said re; feeding.


But as far as the Hort. course goes, I would say DO IT ! I got a certificate of Horticulture years ago and it teach's alot more than what you can learn off the internet plus you get hands on experiance. Also, it might help if you want to get a job in a related field ie plant nurseryman, landscaper, garedener at a resort etc....it's all good stuff.

The internet is a good sorce of info. but if you know nothing about plants at all it gets a bit confusing, you get conflicting bits of info and sometimes it can be just wrong plain wrong.

I am a tattooist (or at least was a tattooist) and the amount of people trying to learn tattooing off the internet is amazing, once again the net is good for a source of info. but there is nothing like hands on teaching and learning.

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