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ferking revege?


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its funny last time i was here was for the same fuggin thing.

I "think" again at week 6 my girls are rehashing the ol revege! Im not pissed yet as im not entirely sure, but was hoping to clarify some things with some here now if i can?


Ok, so just a general feeling things arent moving along as fast as they should be firstly, and secondly just on a couple heads ive noticed the ol space developing at the very top between leaves like its regrowing in length slightly....

Is this a possible sign of revege starting? So far im not really seeing any new greeny bits on top growing tho maybe a little iddy bit here and there, but that shouldnt be happening now ey? not at the end of week 6?

If im facing f**king revege...again, will turning down the lights to 10hours slow this shit down some? I cant for the life of me work out why WTF its doing it, im 95%sure there's no light getting in, the lights out are 5:45pm. its got me stumped.


some guidance would be great thanks.

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You need to be 100% sure no light is getting in. How big is your growspace? Get in there and turn the light off and use your eyes to see if any light is coming in.


Thanks mate,

yeah well she be tad small, can only house 2 plants so cant get in it, but its inside a shed thats very dark even during the day and i would think "if" there was any residual light it would be acting like normal outside dark.

Ive never had this issue before and everything is the same, nothing has changed at all. I even went and bought a battery powered timer as i think the last time this happened my other timer (el cheapo) dicked out.


Can i ask you, I have an aircon hooked up to the same power board on a thermostat, i notice when it comes on, the light flickers once as it does...with the lights off, would you think it be possible the light may flick on ever so slightly when the aircon comes on then? seems silly but well im running outta options here. if not then its got me rooted where the light is coming in.

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mate of mine was saying with this strain it happens so i guess i live with it. But yeah can get some photos up a bit later.

Maybe a good way to tell would be to go back to my previous strain and see if it does it. It never did it with the other strain which was WW. Only on this and the last grow has it done it and its supposed WRhino. Might have to flag this particular cloned strain.


Another thing my mate was saying is the light being too close can get them a little excited and to maybe drop light hours to 11 and back off the nutes a little now. I think the light proly was too close really, i dunnno 14 to 15inch. maybe less. hadnt really occured to me as the leaves looked fine.


I will give it a week and see what gives then. Not much i can do now tho i guess at the start of week 7. But be good to figure out wtf is doing it if its not the strains way.



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are you growing from seed or a cutting? But Dude a pic.........


Its from a cutting. Man ive tried to get some pics but its just not poss to get anything decent. i cant take them out of the tent or itll be a nightmare trying to get em back in. Just wont take good pics with the lights on. Anyhoo, last time the new green bits were progressing alot quicker but not so much this time.

If i was to describe things to you because of no pic, i would say, the tops of the heads (and only on some not all) about 2 odd centimetres down are starting to break away from the rest of the bud, like its stretching. and of course there are some new greeny bits starting on top. Theyre so miniscule right now but i know em when i see em ya know?

Sorry i cant provide pics, maybe it makes it impossible really to help diagnose.


What ive done so far is,, go over the tent again looking for light leaks, i dunno what constitutes a light leak, but when youre talking about fuckn stitching holes leaking im screwed in that sense. for now at least. apart from that, there's nothing. I have turned the lights to 11hrs and lowered the nutes now at start of week 7 to ec 1.6 with just bloom.


Nothing i do now will stop it if its revege yeah?



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My mate pulled his girls last week i had a look at em its the same strain and yeah his are similar.

So im not gonna worry too much, since i upped the light height its really slowed it down so i think someone here suggested heat? i cant remember now but yeah maybe it was the light too close?


Will provide pics next time tho, cheers.

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