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Guest Wilderbud

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Guest Wilderbud

Ingredients: [serves 2]


3 large potatoes

100g grated tasty or mozerella cheese

100g grated ham or chicken [salt reduced]




Grate potatoes with a medium grater and press all the moisture out with a paper towel or clean dish towel then flatten the potato into 4 thin cakes so that they resemble a slice of bread. Bring a oiled pan to low heat and brown the potato on each side slowly then take off the heat. Sprinkle your grated meat onto the potato cakes and add the cheese on top of this and grill your desperadoes until the cheese has melted.


Serving suggestions:


Serve with a glass of red wine and follow with some baked sugar-coated apple segments and more red wine to savour the taste of the yummy desperadoes.




Desperadoes have an addictive taste when theyre made perfectly - dont burn the potato cakes or leave the inside soggy and youll be fine.

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Guest Wilderbud

Yeah its wicked - try sweet potatoes and salt reduced corned beef too for something different - I havent perfected my munchies yet [maybe cabbage, carrot and pumpkin with the potatoes to make it like bubble n squeek - Ill leave it up to the stoner to decide but get rid of the water in the vegies]. Grating everything is something a lazy person doesnt mind doing - almost nothing to clean up and it takes 5 mins all up. I used to live in a caravan for a few months and made these all the time after a hard days work and a few bongs.


Oh, some egg might help it stick together of course - you dont need it though as it usually stays together once browned.


BTW I invented this myself and call them Desperadoes because I used to play The Eagles while I was billying-on.

Edited by Wilderbud
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