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Guest billy bonger



You'll find if you go to the first post from Australian Activist there is a link you can use by pressing the underlined website, that should get ya there. ;)


billy bonger :D .

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Thanks to everyone who's come over and registered, it really means a lot to me. Now everyone should go tell 3 friends and get them to sign up too ::D:


We need as many members as we can get for a diverse range of opinions and ideas. You don't need or want to be an activist or anything, if you think pot should be legal then come on over and give us your reasons why, any ideas you have, or just sit back and comment on some of our ideas.


As much as I'm aiming the site towards users, personal and commercial growers are very welcome - we want to represent everyone in Australia's cannabis community. I take privacy very seriously, so feel free to use one-off freebie email accounts to register, then change your email to a fake email, whatever it takes to keep your identity secret. I'll be putting it onto an SSL/HTTPS site when I can afford it in the new year so all interaction with the site will be encrypted.


I'm also planning on making up some A5 flyers to print up at the local head shops, maybe some stickers too - leading up to a semi-regular zine to help get the word out.


If you haven't registered yet please do, this is a serious attempt here - we're taking this all the way to Federal Parliament in the end, and many places before then. This is going to be a 10+ year community project, we need everyone to get involved!


Thanks guys.

Edited by australian_activist
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Good initiative AA, don't worry about the phpNuke giving you any problems, or your host but if you ever change check out Xoops first, this is technically a better portal system for a community becouse of the modules you can add very easy and the total customizing you can do with it. check out HighTimers Community for an excellent example. (you won't see the forums though, they are members only area but are there.) This site has an avarage of 800 000 unique visitors a month, thousands of members and has no technical or hosting problems at all. (I'm one of the admins there).


Once again, GREAT INITIATIVE! I registered under my own name btw. (Reverend) Ferre

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check out Xoops first, this is technically a better portal system for a community becouse of the modules you can add very easy and the total customizing you can do with it. check out HighTimers Community for an excellent example.

Cheers man, will do.


I've just added a Live Chat function - it's basically a Java applet frontend to an IRC server. Now it's not our IRC server, and it's not secure, and it may be logged etc. etc. but it's there, and I think it's better than not having one at all ;)


I'm still looking into a safer alternative, at the very least I'd like to connect to a more trusted IRC server, preferably have something running on our own server over SSL, but for now this works and it seems fairly good.


Everyone here at OS should feel free to come on over and hang out, you can just login while you're browsing and if anyone else comes into the room they can make a sound to let you know they're there. I've got to run but I'll be there later on tonight hopefully, around 10-12 Perth time. Hope you guys find it useful!

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Guest billy bonger
I've just added a Live Chat function - it's basically a Java applet frontend to an IRC server. Now it's not our IRC server, and it's not secure, and it may be logged etc. etc. but it's there, and I think it's better than not having one at all


I'm still looking into a safer alternative, at the very least I'd like to connect to a more trusted IRC server, preferably have something running on our own server over SSL, but for now this works and it seems fairly good.




:) Hi AA,


I'm excited at the prospect of the live chat room, but concerned about your comments on security, i don't want to be rude, but must ask, how safe/unsafe this feature is and why?


I pop into MA every 1 or 2 days, it's a great site AA, it's something everyone should join in on, after all it's something we all want, cannabis LEGAL ;) .

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Guest billy bonger
:;): ROTFL, sorry Chev,i'm a dick i'd have typed goodnight back but i hadn't worked out how to send yet, sorry :) ,everyone should drop in and have a chat it looks like it's going to be a tone of fun.
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Now it's not our IRC server, and it's not secure, and it may be logged etc. etc.  I'm still looking into a safer alternative, at the very least I'd like to connect to a more trusted IRC server, preferably have something running on our own server over SSL, but for now this works and it seems fairly good.


concerned about your comments on security, i don't want to be rude, but must ask, how safe/unsafe this feature is and why?

I'm over-emphasising the security aspect of things :) It's as safe as any IRC chat out there - they're public servers and anyone can join channels and log the communications in them. On top of that, the server ops can log all channels and activity on the server without anyone knowing but this isn't normally done, just if they got a warrant they wouldn't have to tell anyone obviously.


IM style 'chat' clients like ICQ etc. still go through a central server but there's not usually a public channel where anyone can join, so you minimise the risk down to just the server ops logging stuff.


Security on the Net is pretty much black and white - either something is secure or it isn't. If there's just one link in the chain that isn't quite as secure as the rest, the whole thing is compromised and effectively there is no security. This Live Chat is not secure in the slightest, in fact as it's running a proprietary applet and connecting to a hardcoded server run by who knows... I would trust it even less. But then it makes little difference really.


Just consider it a PUBLIC medium, just like these forums. The admins here at OS and myself at MA could obviously be logging traffic and compromising your privacy too, but we trust Ozstoner and hopefully people trust me. But you shouldn't let this lull you into a false sense of security, you've got to be vigilant always. I'm playing devil's advocate of course, but I know a thing or two about Internet security. Just don't put our private or confidential information, use a PM at a site you trust like here at OS or MA as at least we know who's running these sites. We don't know who's running this IRC server, or any public IRC server for that matter, so don't say or do anything there that could be used against you in a court of law.


But to be honest, most of what we do on the Net is in the same category here - you just tend to assume that everything's fairly secure and trust the services that you use regularly. Again I'm being pedanticly paranoid, but unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. If a warrant was served at your ISP, specifically targetting you, you'd be done ;) But the risk of that happening is rediculously low. I'm rambling, but I'm just trying to make sure everyone realises these things should be considered public and not to be trusted implicitly.


If the chat is popular I'll make a more secure version a priority, hosting it with the same mob who host my site and we can hopefully connect over SSL or through MA as a proxy so at least you're only exposing yourself to MA itself and not servers that could be run by anyone, or even situated within USA or Australian jurisdictions.


I pop into MA every 1 or 2 days, it's a great site AA, it's something everyone should join in on, after all it's something we all want, cannabis LEGAL :) .


Cheers man. It's been a bit quiet, but things are picking up slowly. Everyone should go register and help move things along, and sign up your friends too - we need as many Australian users and growers to get involved as possible!

Edited by australian_activist
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