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Urban guerrilla grow in Sydney

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Hey guys, sorry couldnt take my camera with me this time. Real sorry. However the church showed signs of preflower. 2 pistils per area. Im guessing its time to swap to flowering ferts? A;so saw a million brown little ants crawling over the coco. My guess is theyre probably termites as my mate said about a month ago. I removed all sticks from the base. I have a feeling they might be eating the coco? From personal experience i know how deadly7 termites can be haha. I flooded em all with water and the rainy weather has helped to. The disease has spread more to the Arjans haze. Not to worried though looks as though the new growth is faster than the disease. Stems are becoming even more woody and moved about half a metre up the plant. You gota love it when they turn woody ahah. Anyways cheers guys and sorry about no pics will get some up and as mentioned before does the 2 pistils mean flowering mode is ahead and I should use flwoering nutes. Cheers syco
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Good stuff syco!

But i sure as hell hope you dont have termites :o

They are white anyways arent they ?

Hope things start just goin mental and fuck off all the disease and bugs , i have a good feeling for you bro.

Wait for at least a week till your sure they are in full flower mode and then hit em up, but smaller doses at first

Cant wait to see some pics !!

Take it easy


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Hey DD, all is well my friend, how are ya? Went to my grow and was expecting my arjans haze 2 to be fallen and what do you know it was on its side haha. Nuthing serious though. I moved all the plants 1m+ or so apart for more light and air flow. The disease is kicken the church in the back side but nuthing life threatening probably just reduce the yield alot. No ants or termites what ever they were on top of the coco. Not sure what they are but the plants dont seem to be affected so Im not fussed. Got some pics up, not the best quality but atleast they in day light. Seen some hairs, on the arjans haze looked like it was a hermi cause the calyxs were small and looked like male nut sacks haah. I was goin mental but me and my mate pulled one off and opened it up and their inside were little hairs. Ill start dosing the chruch with some low flowering nutes. Got some pk 13:15, guy said it was basically the same thing as 13:14. Took a leap of faith hopefully he didnt just screw us over, wouldnt be suprised though ahah. Didnt take the best pics but atleast I got em in day light. Quality is shit this time didnt have much time to focus the camera. Gota love those sativa leaves taken from below. Not sure how the buds are gona grow, my mate says they will probably be individual heads cause the internodes and plants arent bushy but who knows. Oh yeah probably isnt a good sign but i was walking away from the grow and i asw my fish emulsions bottle moved to a random spot 40metres from the grow. Makes the journey and experience mroe intresting i guess haha. Cheers syco






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Im good man !!

Haha i had a plant on its side the other week, they come back just fine after a few days :)

Plants are looking pretty good to me man, yeah extra space will do them good and hopefully you dont have much rain for a while hows it been lately?

Good stuff anyways, i get to see mine in a few days! First ones are gonna be ready in a few weeks im pumped.

Take it easy syco


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DD its been pissin down rain recently, sunny past 3 days though so thats a plus side. Yeah the plants are pretty hard to kill they can take so much crap from mother nature and still pull through, cant wait to see your heads man, I still got a fair way to go till I see the first of my stuff. This disease is a pain in the ass abit but its alright they seem to be doing fine, gota swap over to fer nutes this time I see em. Tc of yourself man. Will also be moving the plants this week to reduce the chance of gettin ripped.


Sawyer haha thats the way to go if you wana survive in this cruel world haha.Cheers syco

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