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Brown Leaf Tips

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My plants are about 10-15 cm tall and are growing in soil. I water them once every couple of days and I have some pretty weak miracle grow fertilisor in a spray bottle and over the course of a bout 2 weeks I've sprayed about half a litre on thier leaves. The leaves are also looking kind a yellow.
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Yes, as Taz Stoner pointed out, Miracle grow is not the best for foliar spray.....I use it in the soil with good results in the vegetation stage of growth.

There are lots of sprays specificaly formulated for foliar application and as far as the yellowing of the leaves go, it sounds like the soil could do with some nutrients.

In most cases when the root system cant find nutrients in the growing medium the plant will feed off the nutrients stored in its foliage resulting in the leaves turning yellow and dying then finally falling off. lol

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It's a stealth grow so my setup fits nicely inside my cupboard. I have two plants under two 2 foot flouro tubes that we got from a hydroponic store, and they are planted in some basic potting mix we bought from woolies, with some sheep poo we added a bit later. They're about 1 and 1/2 months old. I have no idea what the pH is.
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Is it possible that this plant may be suffering from heat stress?, although Mr Skywalker could more likely be correct in his diagnosis of overfert. Get a cheapie ph kit from your local swimming pool guy or hydro shop, they cost about 10 bucks and check your ph and if you have no thermometer get one from big-w kitchen($10) or pet($3) dept. These two things can make growing a lot easier, and make it easier to diagnose any problems.
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