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please help


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hey everyone,fucken somthing eating the leaves,plants still look healthy only a few have been nibbled on,how do i know when 2 treat,is this just nature,or will cunts keep eating ,i have in green house,what suggestions,and what would i use 2 treat, allpurpose sorta thing ,havent seen anything eating when attending the ladies,please help
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i was thinkin it might be grass hoppers. they take chunks out of the leaves, and seem to be more active in this dry hot weather. they'll take the top clean out of a seedling. i always tomato dust for the first month outdoors. after that time, the hoppers seem not to worry about them as much. maybe the older leaves aren,t as juicy as new ones. but that wouldn't explain why they don't just go for the new growing tips. maybe it's the fert content.

i don't know.

Luke where are ya?

you'd know the answer to this scientific mystery that has baffled mankind for centuries.

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