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florex lights

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I was wondering if anyone has tried using those new florex bulbs for the vegative grow cycle I am just getting ready to get started and was considering using florex bulbs during the vegative growth cycle then switching over to HPS for the budding cycle to save on electricity and to be able to get started without laying out as much money right off the bat . If anyone has used these lights I would appreciate any info on the results. Also, I was told that florecents almost always produce male plants Is there any truth to this? :P

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Hi Burn451 and welcome to Oz Stoners, i have vever heard of a fluro giveing u all who ever told u that is pullin ya leg, and those flours u are askin about i dont kbow but u can use fluros to veg ya plant but it takes a litle longer to were u want to get them befor h put them under your hid, the more fluros u use the better but if u are useing heaps of them it could cost as much as just runnin your hsp.
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