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scub turkey

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yesterday i found the perfect prospective site.it's well camourflaged and doesn't appear to have had a human go through it for years.shit there's

even a pair of wedgies living in a tree overlooking the area.it would be a sin not to grow there. anyway, i went back out there thismorning to see if i could find this spot again.upon finding it again i noticed a scub turkey in the area.

will it fuck my plants?

do you think it should be o.k or should i take the staffy up and end the problem before it starts.

all advice would be appreciated.

i'm definately not going to fence it off as it is on a neighbouring property.


wade :huh:

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One: What's a scub turkey? Sorry, I'm completely in the dark... some kinda bird I take it?


Two: Yeah, the dog pissing and shitting in the area wouldn't be a bad idea, it will usually make just about any prey species that eats little plants piss right off quicksmart. Check out some of Robbies posts about encouraging dingoes and other predators of the kind into the area, these could help to keep any animals like you appear to be having trouble with as well. I have no idea where you are, and don't know if there are any dingoes or similar animals in the area, but this appears to be a solid tip.


There are also some pastes you can buy as repellents which some members have advocated, these could be a help too.


How much light does the area get? And what's the local soil and rainfall like there? Of course you can alter these things with effort, but the less you have to go through, with the least amount of obsevable disturbance, the better. :huh:

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I think he intends for the dog to shit the turkey out, not just scare it off :huh:


As far as I know its a largish bird which lives in bushy areas, it lays its eggs then the male looks after them and kicks dirt on and off the eggs to regulate the temperature.


Wade why don't you look into the habits of a scrub turkey and see if its the type that will eat dakkies? Maybe even put a test pot of vegies or something before you kill the bird off without knowing if its a threat or not.

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I believe scrub turkeys are an endangered species. Endangered because they taste so good. Mmmm.......scrub turkey.





Distributed along the east coast of Australia from Cape York Peninsula to about Sydney. It is rarely found west of the Great Dividing Range.

Habitat: Habitat is rainforest, margins of creeks and some of the drier, inland forests.



The scrub or brush turkey is a permanent inhabitant of the patches of rain forest on and around Tamborine Mountain. The male scrub turkey builds a large egg incubating mound by scratching together leaf mulch and twigs from a large area into a mound typically 4m in diameter and 1-1.5 m high. After attracting the females to mate and lay their eggs in the mound, the male then tends the mound, removing or adding composting material to keep the eggs at the right temperature for incubation which happens after about 50 days. After incubation, the chick is on its own!


The scrub turkey can be a menace in the garden as it scratches around garden beds looking for grubs and roots. However, this isn't as bad as when a turkey decides to build a mound in your garden. Nothing short of forced transportation to a new location miles away will stop the bird from scratching together every loose item in a circle up to 50m in diameter!


The early settlers did eat the birds, but they are, of course, now protected.

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yeah that's exactly how i was gonna explain it to ya Luke. NOT i can barely string a sentence together ::huh:: thanks spurious.

so they're endangered hey?

I'm too dumb to know that!(that's my excuse anyway)

but seriously, i did a scan of the area after writing the first post,and didn't see any sign of bird or nest. i'll do an intensive search tommorrow.

with any luck it may be just passing through. don't like me chances,but hey, we live in hope.

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