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clone question

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gudday,i took some clones off a reveging,outdoor growing indica yesterday.i'm just doing the old coke bottle method. are they getting enough fresh air each time i spray them.during the day i give them a good spray every couple of hours and a couple of times at night

this is the first time i have taken mj clones,i've tried to find the answer,but most clones seem to be taken from mother plants that are grown under lights and not grown outdoor.

thanks heaps

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Guest Wilderbud
If its woody it takes longer to root but it should root. Clonex is cheap and good and when you mist the leaves put the mister on jet stream and fire it into the water to oxygenate it. :huh:
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Guest weekprik

if you have a soda stream machine for making softdrinks etc, then make up a sodawater and use that to spray the clones, The bubbles are Co2 and will help,


Its not a tried and true method but its what I do and most of mine come up fine.

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