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Marijuana prohibition…a thesis on

The laws of oppression , the laws of regression


If you have not tried it … how can you decide it ?



It's all about freedom of choice , now really , isn't it ? I tried smokes in my teens through peer group pressure , I don't like cigarettes , I gave them up after a couple of years puffing away , about 25 years ago , the toxins were making me sick , & I only occasionally socially drink alcohol ( the of the biggest drug killers in our society ). I won’t even drink Caffeine containing products…although Chocolate is the exception

Would you change your opinion on caffiene if you knew it could kill you in large enough quanitities? Well , it can. What about Nicotine & Alchohol ? What’s your opinion on Heroin , a highly refined narcotic?

Cannabis has not killed anyone.


I use cannabis maybe once a week to once a month , if that , moderation is the key , & with experience , I have learned not to overdo anything , but simply benefit from appropriate usage , like having a glass of wine with dinner. In a progressive society , an informed & enlightened public should be able to choose freely for themselves , wouldn’t you agree , that’s how it should be , or are we living with Big Brother watching you & me ?


Progressive ideas

I have thoroughly researched the information available , & have concluded that the Marijuana/cannabis prohibition laws are staggeringly unjust , out of date & significantly more destructive than the cannabis ever was itself. The prohibition laws , ruin peoples lives , discriminate & criminalise ordinary citizens & cost the tax payers obscene amounts of funds & resources to fight a war , on it’s own community. The result is a burgeoning prison system , a growing , thriving trade on the black market , & many good people , suffering unjustly under the forceful hand of an undiscerning , unsympathetic , vote mongering government. Seems to me , this ridiculous prohibition law is so very counter to all good intentions , now isn’t it ? . Wake up Australia !… we are becoming just another state of the USA. ?


These prohibition laws have succeeded only in alienating a large sector of these ordinary citizens by incarcerating them , brutalising them , confiscating all their resources & possessions ( this is tantamount to legalised grand theft ). All the while demonising this green plant with misinformation & false claims , that have been disproved so many times. All the clear evidence you could use , is freely available everywhere , about a plant that actually has many wonderful useful properties. Teach yourself about the facts. & then again


If you have not tried it … how can you decide it ?


Uncle Sam

Americas War on Drugs has far reaching consequences for the whole world. The massive economic power of America has been forcefully , foisting this crusade upon many unfortunate countries , often to their own detriment ( especially the 3rd world ) & America has used these hammered trade negotiations to put pressure upon many countries to concede. This is the most harmful , rabid , blinkered , bull in a china shop prohibition strategy , that has ever been conceived out of malice , ignorance & fear , since Nazism ; With the obvious interests of powerful corporations having a hand in the dealings.

The imbalance has only served to make the underground flourish.

& now America has declared a War on Terrorists & dragged Australia into it too. What next , a war on farming , a war on taxidermy , a war on chocolate. From the evidence of the “American Way” of doing things , they would probably not over look these.


The trends we have seen recently , that some of the countries are liberating themselves from these draconian measures ( they are thinking for themselves & observing the results/outcomes of this prohibition - because it causes more damage & harm to their citizens , than cannabis itself every did ) & they have been considering the overall welfare of their citizens more carefully. Deciding instead upon policies for harm reduction , tolerance , regulation & decriminalisiation , rather than brute force , heavy penalties & hideously harsh jail terms.


People want to use cannabis , let them ! , it is far far less harmful than the killer legalised drugs ; Alcohol & Nicotine. No , It won’t kill you , not one has died from it… it might make some people a bit dizzy , a bit silly , & bit over-excited , but then again.


If you have not tried it … how can you decide it ?


Change the laws

These prohibition laws can be traced directly back to Drug Prohibitionist , Harry Anslinger’s , big corporation interests & connections , & all the market competitors of the superior & cost effective , natural fibre Cannabis/Hemp. An annually renewable , higher yielding & significantly lower maintenance crop. When alcohol prohibition eventually failed hopelessly & dramatically , Anslinger went looking for a new drug to demonise & carry on his crusade. As part of a racial smear campaign for social outlaws , immigrant Mexican workers who used cannabis were targeted , ousted & Blamed. The rest is history , check your history books , it’s all been documented in detail , written down in black & white. As an added anecdote , the American government suddenly did a temporary backflip during the 2nd world war , when it used Hemp products & production to prop up the war effort. Even Promoting it in the national interest with extensive propaganda. Cannabis Prohibition will eventually fail because of it’s inherant untruthfulness & cruelty.


The truth

Contrary to popular myths , marijuana/cannabis does not make savage murderous lunatics out of people , or turn them into anti social trouble makers ; more to the contrary , the real truth. It makes people peaceful , introspective & philosophical ; who think deeply , spiritually & conscientiously about their place on this earth. It more often inspires creative artistic expression & communication , as well as joyous excitation of the senses & the imagination.


The consequent actions taken by some of these conscientious people can be more understood , in protest to the destruction & waste of the earth’s resources. Which is only the result of looking long & hard at the truths , looking long & hard at ourselves. Truths that cannot be hidden , silenced or denied. But this is usually counter to some big industry motives to rape the land , reap the profits & then move on to devour more of the earth’s fragile resources. We need to realise sustainablilty to continue life on earth ; Or we cut our noses off to spite our faces.


But you don’t have to use cannabis to realise this , it just helps to open your subconscious thoughts wider , so you can examine yourself & the world around you. The outcome is usually , a moral , spiritual prod , prompt , to the conscience ; or a reverie in fantasy & dreaming. & then , you realise , open your mind , to what beautiful , wonderful things life & creation are. Think about how unnaturally we live our lives , & the consequences of all the sickness/dis-eases of modern living. The two juxtapose each other.


The outcomes

As with most things , everyone who looks deeper into their conscience has issues to confront. Many ignore & suppress these thoughts to their own misguided misfortunes. Bedazzled instead by the consumerist values of a resource wasting , profit & growth economy , based on greed & power.

No-one should ever have any power over you , I have always said that , “if you want to be a leader , you must be the servant of all” this is no doubt , an act of love. But you may never realise this..


If you have not tried it … how can you decide it ?


Resources are finite , they are rapidly depleting , the future they conceived for themselves has no bright hope & will collapse under it’s own bloated overconsumed weight.


World trade

Economically , the cannabis/hemp plant has far superior qualities in many aspects & has been proved so very useful for many thousands of years to people , who create clothing & materials from it’s natural fibres , food & medicines from it’s seeds & experienced the marvellous consciousness expanding qualities from the psychoactive THC in it’s matured flower tops.


So many have tried it & liked it , there is a silent majority who will not expose themselves to the law by standing up for legalisation of Cannabis , for fear of recrimination. But there is a very large group who have tried it , use it regularly , & do not believe the smear propaganda that has undone the governments credibility , in it’s responsible handling of the communities affairs.


The only paranoia I have ever experienced while using cannabis , was the very real fear of being violently caught , forcefully locked up in a cage against my free will & liberty , & being judged , branded a criminal , with all it’s social disadvantages & black marks against my name. In a society that can & will vilify you to the ends of your days , that is a very sad , cruel injustice. This is the reality of the current laws & a reflection on us as imperfect humans.


Whos killing who

The Statistics say that many hundreds of thousands of people die from tobacco & alcohol related illness & addiction. Cannabis is neither physically addictive nor a deadly toxin , in any amount. You cannot overdose , it won’t kill you. Nicotine will , Caffeine will , Alcohol certainly will , Heroin will too , even Aspirin & Sleeping Pills kill. But Cannabis will not. Just try & eat yourself to death with lettuce , or drink yourself to death with carrot juice. Cannabis is a wholly natural product. Habitual cannabis users simply continue to enjoy it more often than not. That cannot be considered an addiction & force of habit has more to do with this ridiculous claim. A dysfunctional lifestyle is usually the root cause of most complaints. Mental problems can be exacerbated by heavy or overuse , but I suggest that the root cause of any problem be examined before Cannabis takes the blame. No one can claim they have the perfect lifestyle.


That the real killer drugs are legal & earning enormous taxes for the government , is a glaring hypocrisy , while Cannabis use ( that has killed not one ) is considered evil. So many have tried Nicotine , Caffeine & Alcohol ; I know from personal experience of all of these & know the effects enough to say honestly , do not put cannabis in the same classification as the hard drugs , it simply is not a hard drug at all , ever ..& certianly as addictive as Nicotine , Caffeine & Alcohol .. but


If you have not tried it … how can you decide it ?


Australia is independant

So in regards to the laws that govern the people of this land , I must say that it is extremely hypocritical to enforce the laws , that the majority of informed voters , once presented with the all the facts & the truths , would not put any credence in them . I am arguing , that this War on Drugs & it’s Laws , are an unfortunate hangover from the misguided American policies , that are essentially , unconstitutional , & basically un Australian. Why should we be forced to take on their policies , when obviously it’s been proved to be wrong. Most unfortunate of all , current reform policies are being sabotaged , public opinions influenced by more scare tactics , & moves to reeducate & inform the public are being stalled & blocked , by self inerested , self opinionated parties , that have their own agendas in mind , & any grab at votes can mean a seat in the senate to get more power over you. Worst of all , expensive Government sponsored , National Drugs Summits , with their valuable recommendations , have been overlooked & ignored , or suppressed ; particularly if they have the affirmation of legalisation , regulation & harm reduction in their reports as the best strategy to put into action. Once again , those in power , are too afraid to face the truth & repress the facts with media blankets & the non distribution of the latest relevant information. All paid for by us.


Reality bites

Do not expect us , the people you govern , to accept this DRUG WAR , as for our own good. These laws are oppressive & regressive. These laws are Americas Prohibition laws , & should not be our laws , because we are pressed to accept them. We do not , should not accept these laws. Get up to date with the reality of our society , reform the laws & change with the times.


Let us move towards , harm reduction , tolerance , regulation & decriminalisiation. For our own good. Stop wasting our time & resources. Stop harming our citizens , let’s make up our own minds based on the facts & the truth , Get real Australia.


I somewhat cynically expect , that this generation of stoic Drug Warfarers , will simply have to die out , before we see some sensible reform & acceptance. That people will use drugs in our society & in many civilisations past , have used them for thousands of years , & that they will continue to use them as part of the experience we call LIFE , is a undeniable fact.


These people will be around for along time & are not dropping like flies the way the Alcoholics & Tobacco smokers are. So deal with it

& by the way …the biggest problem with Prohibition is that so many are ignorant of the true facts. I wonder how this would change if all those opposed to legalisation , actually tried it for themselves !…

It hasn’t killed anybody ever.


If you have not tried it … how can you decide it ?


Give us “Freedom of choice” , then you will see what we really think of your absurd prohibition laws.


Free Choice



Addendum - false claims

I saw an article on Quantum ABC2 ( general science interest program ), one night , revealing how , regular secret testing of road accident victims , for cannabis in the body , over the last 7 years has discovered a percentage of road accident victims , to have been Cannabis users. As cannabis remains for a longer amount of time stored in the system , this would clearly raise the probablility of the statistics. From this , they postulate that Cannabis was the main cause , & contributing factor to the road fatalities. This was a glaring abuse of statistics as evidence against cannabis intoxication & how “deadly” this can be. What they negated to mention , is that the very same percentage of adults who end up in the morgue , matches the percentage of incidental use of the general populace ; Meaning , their samples reflect average use , not incidental use. While it is clearly a combination of Alcohol & Cannabis that can be deliterious. This is an example of how the prohibitionists & the scaremongering media are continuing to misinform the public on a grand scale , & lead opinions with these “scientific” studies.

:angry: :angry:

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